I bought some stuff


Apr 14, 2001
[font=Tahoma, Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] Well, this lot bears repeating for those who came in late to the party :)[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I had a whole bunch of cds from amazon.com arrive yesterday:

A Crimson Cosmos - Lake Of Tears
Necrotism-Descanting The Insalubrious - Carca
Entangled In Chaos - Morbid Angel
Abominations Of Desolation - Morbid Angel
Siege Perilous - Kamelot
Forever Autumn - Lake Of Tears
Headstones - Lake Of Tears
Cause For Conflict - Kreator
Prayer For The Dying - Messiahs Kiss
Twighlight On Humanity - Zandelle
God Hates Us All - Slayer (The dvd edition with the extras)
Deception Of Pain - Valleys Eve

Then today after getting everyones recommendations in the Dimmu Borgir thread I posted on another board I bought:
Spiritual Black Dimension - Dimmu Borgir
For All Tid - Dimmu Borgir
Scattered Ashes: A Decade Of Emperial Wrath - Emperor
Emperial Live Ceremony DVD - Emperor
(They didnt have Enthroned Darkness Triumphant or I would have gotten that too :waah: )

Im so metal :) :rock:
Artist - Title. I've told you before, Spawn, that it's much easier to look at a list and say, "Ooh, he bought a CD by Trixter" rather than say, "Hmm, album I've never heard of, album I've never heard of... ooh, an album I've heard of, now I'll see who it's by... nup, never heard of them. Album I've never heard of, album I've never heard of..." And so on and so forth. :)
Just deal with it dammit, if title/album is the worst thing to happen to you today, go get drunk and have sex with many beautiful women tonight :D

Demented: Sometimes, it depends how much you buy, most of these were the same price as here or a little more but I couldnt find them in Utopia ever so I finally decided to just get them all online :)
You should try Metal Mayhem, Spawnosovic.

Some good CDs you bought there! How do you rate them?
If Metal Mayhem would fix their bloody online catalog I might ;) I hate navigating through their site :(

Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia by Dimmu is awesomely good, Headstones by Lake Of Tears is like a sequel to The Chemical Wedding, so that rules and the rest I havent given a proper listen to yet, except Deception Of Pain which I dont like much :)
Necroticism is the best!

You should email Metal Mayhem and tell them why you haven't bought stuff from them. If they got your feedback they might fix it up......
I dont have much else to spend my money on Southy thats all :)

How funny are the lyrics on the Carca one? :lol: He just thinks up every big word possible and puts them together :)
My cd rack has rapidly become my floor as I have no space left :)

Cd should be sent by the end of this week Wrathy (I havent had time to get to the post office, the lines are always HUGE at the one near my work in the city, thats why you dont have it already!)