I can't decide... which of these should my band cover?

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i only need one...

Candlemass - Solitude
Bathory - Nordland
Windir - Blodssvik
Sentenced - Excuse Me While I Kill Myself
Sanctuary - Communion (this will be the most difficult to do, IMO)

we're hoping to play a 2-set show soon. first set = all covers, 2nd set = all originals. right now, we have down

Death - Pull the Plug
Slayer - Raining Blood
Deicide - Biblebasher
Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls

we will be covering one from my list i have to choose from, My Dying Bride - The Raven and the Rose, and a song of Ian's choosing...
Question, why would you play Biblebasher? Deicide sucks.

My band also used to play For Whom The Bell Tolls, but that song was just hack filler, we decided that if we were going to play covers, we would play only two, and two songs that we enjoyed playing, so we picked Desperate Cry by Sepultura, and DNR by TestamenT. And with only two covers, we still have enough material to play well over two hours. But, being from Maine, there is hardly a place to fucking play. Practice makes perfect I guess.
for one, I, as well as the rest of my band, LOVE Deicide... so back off.

when we play For Whom the Bell Tolls, it isn't the usual cover. We deathmetalized it. so it's alot faster and more fun to play.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
for one, I, as well as the rest of my band, LOVE Deicide... so back off.
You can like Deicide all you want, it doesn't change the fact of their total ineptitude to write a decent album since Once Upon The Cross. This is my opinion, we welcome yours. Well, you already stated it. So, yeah.

dead6skin6mask6 said:
AJ - you havent heard their new one, have you? definitely a return to form
You are quite correct, and although I do like the opening and closing riff to the song they did a video for(brain fart on the tile of that song) The effects on his voice is too much for me(or should I say multi-tracked vox) Other that that it is allright. But Incinerate hymn was pretty boring, mediocre at best.
the overdubbed growls are awesome... you should download the new cd. if you like it, buy it, if not, delete it... thats all i ask of you before you say they havent released anything good in years.

as for Insyneratehymn being boring... on the majority, yes. Biblebasher is probably the best track on the cd, which is why we cover it
dead6skin6mask6 said:
the overdubbed growls are awesome... you should download the new cd. if you like it, buy it, if not, delete it... thats all i ask of you before you say they havent released anything good in years.

as for Insyneratehymn being boring... on the majority, yes. Biblebasher is probably the best track on the cd, which is why we cover it
I'll give it a spin.