I could die happily if only...


Jhva Elohim Meth
May 22, 2002
Visit site
...Katatonia decided to expand on the backround music on the Deadsite and put in on their next album! Like an outro kinda thing...or possibly even an intro. Or maybe they could even incorperate it into a song? I love that little clip so much. I often times have 2 browsers open at once just so that I can listen to it while I'm online...Even if they don't put it on their next album, maybe they could put it on a single or something?..anything!

Hopefully, being the great and wonderful people that they are, they will consider that :D

Oh well, nevermind...just a suggestion...
that'd be cool, but I bet they don't do it. Bands rarely do things like that, although it'd be great if they did, at least in this instance.

maybe as a secret track or something... that'd please the fans in the know at least.
Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
Don, you confused intro and background music.

By the way, for some odd reason the Deadsite theme doesn't play on my computer. I don't even get the "sound on/off" option. It just doesn't appear. Anybody have an idea why?

I JUST REALIZED! thanks a lot, joy of grief.