I DARE you to click this thread.


Aug 30, 2001
What do you say to a good ol' fashioned game of "Truth or Dare?" Except... like... without the "truth" part.

Here's how it works:

- I post the first dare below
- The first person to respond with proof of said dare completed is the only person who can propose the next dare. If more than one person completes the dare, they can also propose a dare and it's up to anyone to complete any dare they choose. Bottom line: In order to propose a dare, you have to complete one (and provide proof) first.
- You can propose any dare you want. Just keep in mind there needs to be proof and there are probably a lot of things that no one will be willing to do. I suggest logical, relevant, and relatively safe and legal dares, but if you want to be outlandish, no one is stopping you.
- If proof of a particular dare requires photographic evidence, it must be provided in order to be officially completed.

Other than that, just go for it. Thread is an open book and set to go any direction it feels like. We can play it all by ear. The point is LOLs.

That said, here's my dare to kick it off:

Change your facebook status to "_______ is gettin dem tittays tonight!!!" and post a screenshot of the replies.

I saw this idea on another board and thought it'd get funny here too, so let 'er rip!
So, anyway, I dare the next ballsy person.............. email/IM their mom the following message:

"Hey, bitch, make me some fucking bagel bites."
Even though Eric cheated, I shall post my Dare.


I dare you to put underwear on your head, put a cape on, take off your shirt, and post a mirror picture of it.
Yea, meant to blur that out too, but I guess it doesn't really matter anyway.