I declare open season on Justin Bieber


Shred or Die !
Jul 9, 2005
In the interest of public safety - its open season on this Justin Bieber

I dont know if the rest of the world has experienced this kid, the scenes here in Oz are just disturbing
You can fight/declare open season (or whatever) as much as you want...
Ultimately its only a matter of time before YOU catch Beiber fever...
Honestly, it's huge here, so I can sympathize... but get over it. Like we've ever been able to avoid annoying mainstream crap? The less attention you pay to it, the less it'll bug you - you're making the decision to be annoyed here. :lol:
I can't say i hate him as much as i do the people pushing him. They are what's truly evil about this kid, without the help from the public relations whores he would be harmless. And as if i give a fuck about him or his followers, they're the type of people that make me want to kill shit. *Deep breaths*.
I cant get to youtube atm, is it a little bastard "prodigy" child sporting some harlemesque cultural traits with bags of autotune over his face? The kind of child that I wouldnt miss if he accidentally fell off a bridge?
ok, ok, ok now... let's just hold on a minute.. shall we?

i happen to be the north american president of the Justin Bieber fanclub and to be honest, slightly offended by the comments in this thread. I tremble to think if Justin himself were actually to read these. He's so fragile, you know...

anyway - i highly doubt a bunch of knuckle dragging head bangers could truly appreciate the genius known as "Justin Bieber". i mean really.. special doesn't begin to describe this man (boy, whatever - you get the idea).

please refrain from further negative comments about someone who may just be the greatest thing to happen to music since Milli Vanilli.

Dinkus Bieber-Rinkus
North American President, Justin Bieber Fan Club
let's be honest here - you guys are making fun of him cause you are jealous.

I mean, come on, the kid is like 16 and has already most likely fucked more girls than all of us combined hahaha.
[UEAK]Clowd;9054875 said:
let's be honest here - you guys are making fun of him cause you are jealous.

I mean, come on, the kid is like 16 and has already most likely fucked more boys than all of us combined hahaha.

Fixed. :heh: