I declare open season on Justin Bieber

He doesnt look like he's fucked anything.

Maybe some bigshot record executives have fucked him though.
Öwen;9055104 said:
He doesnt look like he's fucked anything.

Maybe some bigshot record executives have fucked him though.

I've had the pleasure to work the the Bibz and he's a little girl. Dancing around for no good reason and shit.
Honestly, it's huge here, so I can sympathize... but get over it. Like we've ever been able to avoid annoying mainstream crap? The less attention you pay to it, the less it'll bug you - you're making the decision to be annoyed here. :lol:

It's annoying because he is making the evening friggin news.

I completely sympathise with Skyweaver here.
Once again I thank the fact that I've not watched Australian TV for over a year, and as a result have no idea what this thread is on about...

I just watch SBS for the occasional good foreign movie and nothing else:kickass: