i don't care if this is a stolen cross-post: holy crap

oh, I see, so the opinions I've formed about many democrats I personally know are because of the politics of a party I don't belong to. Why didn't I notice that before?
Wrong, I can't count the amount of times a democrat has called me stupid for even espousing a single conservative view point, not even supporting the president (I don't) or voting democratic. I'm not talking about the senators or members of the house, though I hold a particular distaste for most of those people, democrat or republican, I'm refering to almost every democrat I've ever talked politics with. Its not propanganda if its true.
also, just curious, and this is probably just stupidity on my part, why did you make a post of a period?
Guys, this has gotten out of hand. Can't we just sit back and appreciate the fact that I ate these delicious snacks last night?

Also, I addressed you because I figured your repost of the quote meant that you think that line of logic was self-evident. I could be wrong, but I suppose you could consider it addressed to Josh and yourself. I'm not supporting the republican or democratic viewpoint right here, I honestly think both parties suck, and I can't in good conscience support either. I'm not gonna say I've never met an arrogant aloof conservative bastard either, most of them are uncaring, rich pricks. For the most part, I think everyone is too proud or arrogant to admit that their party sucks or compromise. If you can't see that voting in this election this year, for either candidate, was pointless because either way we get the same outcome, being unhappy with the outcome. Either way, money goes to a government run by people I don't trust to pay for things I don't want. I just think the political environment is too close-minded and set in stone. In another thread, we were discussing the stagnation of music and movies, and you know what? Its happening in politics too, why do you think we have two candidates, one who is blatantly out of his element running our country and another who might as well have been running on a platform of "I'm not that Guy" as far as most democratic voters I know were concerned. Music and movies we all seem to know that the only ones that get produced are the ones that fit the formula of famous actors, predictable scripts, supposed genius directors, and tons of promotion, showing a wise-cracking, good-looking leading man showing off his guns (anatomical) as well as his guns (literal) as his sidekick with heart and his girl power chick with sass stand in the background. Same thing with politics, every four years, they dust off a couple of the seemingly innocous political hangers on and introduce them as the next big thing, giving us all what they think we want to hear in order to garner their support. I've aloways heard that we should vote with our dollar to support those things we enjoy, but what do you do when nothing out their interests you? You save your money, so should it be with votes. If no one is worth voting for, don't vote, record lows should signal to politicians that something is wrong and maybe that would set up a chance for change. I'm just sick of having to pick between a rock and a hard place, for once could I get a good choice, or at least more choices, like some pumice, or a jagged rock, or quartz crystal? Perhaps amethyst, topaz, or maybe even a saphire? (Metaphor=Dead) I just want the next election to be one where maybe my candidate loses but I don't.
Also, just a quick add, just like film and music we look to smaller label and independent films, so also we could look to independent candidates and actually give them the support they deserve.
The democratic system just isn't working out in america right now. hell, even a dictator would be better than the mass of idiots who are allowed to vote. The two party thing is pretty ridiculous as well. There could be a "good" candidate in one of those two parties (I like John McCain and hope he will run for president), but there can always be somebody just as fit to run the country, if not better, in the independent parties.
Indeed, when Larry the dropout/heroine-addict/pedophile has the exact same voting power as a philosopher, artist, hero (etc.), that should be a red flag that the system doesn't work. Democracies can and do work in small communes of people, but fail horribly in "melting-pots".
actually wait, they shouldn't just let anyone vote. only the people WE LIKE.

i vote that no guys with dicks smaller than 7-8" be allowed to vote. they're not real men.
Democracy might not be as efficient in a nation as large as the US as it would be in, say, a small community of 18th-century Quakers, but until a better alternative is developed, there's not really much that complaining about the democratic system will do. Far better to become involved/vote/run for office/etc than to sit back and hope in vain for another system to magically come into being that more fairly represents each citizen and better upholds our national principles of (relative) self-government.