I don't know about ya'll....


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I don't know about ya'll but I am bouncing off the walls. I can't wait until I reach Atlanta at about 2:00 PM on Thursday. Despite the slightly bigger names at PP3, I think this will be the best one yet. What great opening acts this year has just to start things off..... Ray Alder even lending a helping hand to Redemption and I can't go an hour without playing a Pagan's Mind song. Great band with a great future. See all of you in two days !!!! Please be careful and don't drink and drive !!! Let's all have fun but lets take care of each other. Woo-hoo !!!

Word. I am PSYCHED! Friday night is going to kick my ass... Vanden Plas, Nightwish and Symphon X... IN A ROW <flies backward through the wall>

Saturday is nothing to scoff at either. But not killer enough to cause me to fly backward through the wall.
Finally, I'll be arriving to Atlanta later today. I can hardly wait for things to get going. I agree that this is going to be the best progpower yet. See you all at progpower!
I'll be arriving at 3pm tomorrow. Friday is indeed going to be incredible. I don't know Redemption, but Ray Alder will make them worth right there, and then from Mercenary on, it's just nonstop music/bands that I know and love. Saturday will be practically just as awesome for me starting at Pagan's Mind...but I know pretty much nothing but a couple songs from Rage.