Metal Music in Atlanta..

Atlanta already has a fantastic metal scene -- it just doesn't cater towards the progressive/power metal side of the genre. Atlanta metal is already on the map.

sorry Brian, not to scrutinize you, but just what do you consider a 'fantastic' metal scene?

I would consider a 'fantastic' metal scene one where people actually come out to a live show. And I mean more than the 12 or 15 that actually show up without having their arm twisted to do so. Do you recall the Breakers show about a year ago this time - when I first met you and Katie? A local 'drawing' hardcore metal band opened that show to SIX people. SIX. And then THREE great local Atlanta bands played to literally less than 20 people throughout the remainder of the evening. And by the end of the night there were literally SIX people watching the headliner. This very sad case was due to a negligent promoter and booking agent. Sorry, but that certainly isn't 'fantastic' in my book.

Now, flash forward one year to last night's show...

we had an estimated 75 people pay to see two great local Atlanta bands and two from out of state. And while Halcyon Way was on stage, I am estimating there were as many or more (90+) people as we had at the To/Die/For show watching them. So as Arn Anderson was fond of saying back in the late 80's, "I don't like to toot my own horn, but 'toot.. toot'." :Smug:

:p :goggly: :lol:

I have learned this past year - if you build it, they will come. :rock:

Now I just need to get the rest of you out to these - as Billy put it - PROGRESSIVE/POWER shows. :heh: After all, isn't this the genre that these forums cover? Is it not why we hang around here? to discuss our favorite Prog/Power bands? Well, guess what people... there are a few in Atlanta too. They don't just come from Scandinavia once per year, believe it or not. :p
Hoyt and the Pathfinder bands are doing all we can to put Atlanta PROGRESSIVE/POWER metal back on the map. I for one am very impressed with the great quality of PROGRESSIVE/POWER bands we have. With all the hard work from Hoyt, Patrick and the PROGRESSIVE/POWER bands along with the growing support of the PROGRESSIVE/POWER fans, hopefully the PROGRESSIVE/POWER scene will once again florish and spread out over the southeast. As a friend of mine says 'don't keep us a secret' ;-)

No need to get defensive. Your original statement made it sound like there is no scene here at all, when there in fact is. To say that there isn't is a slap in the face to the people who do exactly what Hoyt does, just for a different style of metal.
sorry Brian, not to scrutinize you, but just what do you consider a 'fantastic' metal scene?

I would consider a 'fantastic' metal scene one where people actually come out to a live show. And I mean more than the 12 or 15 that actually show up without having their arm twisted to do so. Do you recall the Breakers show about a year ago this time - when I first met you and Katie? A local 'drawing' hardcore metal band opened that show to SIX people. SIX. And then THREE great local Atlanta bands played to literally less than 20 people throughout the remainder of the evening. And by the end of the night there were literally SIX people watching the headliner. This very sad case was due to a negligent promoter and booking agent. Sorry, but that certainly isn't 'fantastic' in my book.

Now, flash forward one year to last night's show...

we had an estimated 75 people pay to see two great local Atlanta bands and two from out of state. And while Halcyon Way was on stage, I am estimating there were as many or more (90+) people as we had at the To/Die/For show watching them. So as Arn Anderson was fond of saying back in the late 80's, "I don't like to toot my own horn, but 'toot.. toot'." :Smug:

:p :goggly: :lol:

Fair enough question. To be honest, I'd never even heard of the band that opened that show and I haven't heard them mentioned yet. But go out to a show with Zoroaster, Waited, Withered, Sybaritic, Daath (yes, I know they aren't really "local" anymore, but they still play at the same venues they played at years ago), From Exile, or numerous other bands, and you will see the same draw and camaraderie that you see at any of the shows you put on.

I'm not trying to undermine your work, because let's face it. Without Pathfinders Promotions, the ATL power/prog scene wouldn't be where it is today. But to say that there is no metal scene at all would be completely untrue.
My apologies, I was being sarcastic in what I hoped was a humorous way. But like Hoyt said this is the Progpower Forum so I had thought most people would know I was referring to that type of metal, the type we play. But no offense taken or intended Brian.
It is a very common oversight that a lot of people in the U.S. seem to; they see a fest like Prog/Power and think that that is all the metal out there. Meanwhile a lot of areas in the U.S. have some pretty decent scenes, if not they all coming up. I know of several good bands of all metal types in VA., NC has a pretty good scene of both traditional and extreme metal. Hell, just a couple of weeks ago I found we had a Nightwish-esque band. Surprised me, usually I'm pretty up to date on these things.
GA. has a lot too, just most are hidden or have nowhere to go to be noticed it seems. Besides some of the bigger bands in hard rock and metal rightnow are on the east coast and some from GA.Hopefully Hoyt will help build something for GA., it appears he is off to a good start.
But people should get out and see what is going on around them. Sadly most of them spend their time behind a computer doing just this instead of getting out into their scenes. Ironically they later bitch about a lack of scene.
I wonder how many people from GA. at PP that saw HW were not aware they were GA.
Fair enough question. To be honest, I'd never even heard of the band that opened that show and I haven't heard them mentioned yet.

Brazen Angel has been on the ATL metal scene for a few years now - opening for bands like W.A.S.P. at the Masquerade - but like so many that do not follow the trendy hardcore/death scene, they get trampled underfoot by what I refer to as extreme music fans. Because that's what the hardcore/death metal scene is - 'extreme'. And I can't help it that these people have been brainwashed by the current Headbangers Ball style of screemo/emo music on MTV2. But I am trying to show local ATL metal fans that there is some great metal music out there as well - not just extreme noise. ;)

But go out to a show with Zoroaster, Waited, Withered, Sybaritic, Daath (yes, I know they aren't really "local" anymore, but they still play at the same venues they played at years ago), From Exile, or numerous other bands, and you will see the same draw and camaraderie that you see at any of the shows you put on.

And there you have the same 'extreme' music fans I mentioned above. I obviously do not cater to that crowd. I do not appeal to the ones who want to go to a show and brutalize one another while the music is playing. And thus, you won't find me there with a busted lip. heh heh.
The people I am trying to reach out to are the ones who frequent these forums. There were at least 40 different people who spoke up on Glenn's 'Georgia Role Call' thread a few months ago. I have only seen perhaps a dozen of those people at the shows I have put together locally. Granted, a few of them are too far from the ATL to make a drive for 'local' bands. But more than half of them live in the metro area, and within an hour's drive of Sidelines in Marietta.
Every time there is a metal show at the Masquerade or the Roxy, I am driving 45 mins-hour depending on that wonderful ATL traffic. So I do not see what the difference is when I bring a quality metal show to Marietta. Recognition of name is the only real difference.

I'm not trying to undermine your work, because let's face it. Without Pathfinders Promotions, the ATL power/prog scene wouldn't be where it is today. But to say that there is no metal scene at all would be completely untrue.

no one said you were trying to undermine my work. :p I appreciate the help you and Paul give us when we're able to make it to the WREKage show to promote. But I don't always have the time to be there at 1AM on Saturday morning to wait for a chance to promote a show in between the extreme metal bands. *sigh* I could use four more hours in the day.
My apologies, I was being sarcastic in what I hoped was a humorous way. But like Hoyt said this is the Progpower Forum so I had thought most people would know I was referring to that type of metal, the type we play. But no offense taken or intended Brian.

Looking back on it, I came off as kind of an asshole. I wasn't intending that at all, so I apologize as well. No offense taken.
Brazen Angel has been on the ATL metal scene for a few years now - opening for bands like W.A.S.P. at the Masquerade - but like so many that do not follow the trendy hardcore/death scene, they get trampled underfoot by what I refer to as extreme music fans. Because that's what the hardcore/death metal scene is - 'extreme'. And I can't help it that these people have been brainwashed by the current Headbangers Ball style of screemo/emo music on MTV2. But I am trying to show local ATL metal fans that there is some great metal music out there as well - not just extreme noise. ;)

I wasn't referring to Brazen Angel, sorry if I didn't make that clear. I've seen their name quite a few places. I was talking about the "'drawing' hardcore band" that you referred to when talking about the Breaker's show.

Hardcore and death metal are honestly two completely different scenes -- you never see the ninja dancers at a death metal show and you'll never see somebody wearing an Aborted shirt at a hardcore show. To people who don't know the music, I'm sure they sound the same, but then again, the same thing could be said for thrash and power metal. Obviously, they aren't close to being the same genre, but to the unfamiliar ear, they are.

For the record, the people who have been "brainwashed" by Headbanger's Ball are not likely to show up at any of these shows, at least in my experience.

And there you have the same 'extreme' music fans I mentioned above. I obviously do not cater to that crowd. I do not appeal to the ones who want to go to a show and brutalize one another while the music is playing. And thus, you won't find me there with a busted lip. heh heh.
I never tried to say that you did appeal to those crowds. That would just be dumb on my part.

This next statement will probably come off as rude, but that is not my intention at all. I just can't think of a better way to put this, but Hoyt, have you been to any of the more extreme local shows? You don't have people throwing fists or moshers intentionally trying to injure people who don't want to mosh. You have the same respect that there is at a typical power metal show. Sure, you have your people moshing in the middle like there are at any "extreme" metal show, but you also have your people just standing back enjoying the music, your headbangers, etc. By no means are they a just a huge brawl that just happens to have a band playing.

The people I am trying to reach out to are the ones who frequent these forums. There were at least 40 different people who spoke up on Glenn's 'Georgia Role Call' thread a few months ago. I have only seen perhaps a dozen of those people at the shows I have put together locally. Granted, a few of them are too far from the ATL to make a drive for 'local' bands. But more than half of them live in the metro area, and within an hour's drive of Sidelines in Marietta.
It would be pointless for me to try to debate this with you since I completely agree.

Every time there is a metal show at the Masquerade or the Roxy, I am driving 45 mins-hour depending on that wonderful ATL traffic. So I do not see what the difference is when I bring a quality metal show to Marietta. Recognition of name is the only real difference.
Of course, when starting up local shows for a sub-genre that doesn't really have much local exposure, the main obstacle is getting people to come. The thing is, you can't possibly expect everybody who is interested in the genre who lives in the area to be interested in the local scene. I listen to a fair amount of rap, but I am nowhere near as passionate about it as I am about metal. Sure, I enjoy the music, but do I have any interest in helping out the local scene or promoting up-and-coming artists? Not at all. I'll go to a show, but only if it's someone whose work I'm familiar with. I'm sure that there are many people who feel the same way about progressive and power metal.

no one said you were trying to undermine my work. :p I appreciate the help you and Paul give us when we're able to make it to the WREKage show to promote. But I don't always have the time to be there at 1AM on Saturday morning to wait for a chance to promote a show in between the extreme metal bands. *sigh* I could use four more hours in the day.
Heh, nobody really has the time or desire to drive an hour to promote a show at 1AM. But the point you brought up about promoting "in between the extreme metal bands" brings me back to my first point, that Atlanta does have a very good metal scene. Of course, like any scene it could use help, but hell, the Finnish and Swedish music scenes could use help. There is always room for improvement, no matter what genre of music you're working with. You're helping to expand the metal scene, and I don't think anybody is saying that's a bad thing.
I'm going to be a dick right now. So ignore this post if you please.

The Atlanta prog/power metal 'scene' sucks in terms of quality. Only Halcyon Way and Theocracy gets me to stir at the thought of seeing a 'local band' live. For a few months I was really getting into the idea of 'local' metal. Hoping to find some gems. To find the 'true'ness and 'non-corporate' feeling of heavy metal. What I found was a bunch of people all hoping to make it corporate, and yet with little mind to practice their instruments, practicing their singing, spend hours upon hours developing songs, etc.

There were some bands at one show I sent to that I thought 'these guys have potential.' For example, I liked Eclipsed by Sanity. Obviously things didn't work out there. So be it. I also liked... Vitriol? I thought they had future potential, but as they were no interest in seeing them repeatedly. The stuff I've checked on myspace for many of the bands is sloppy as hell. IMO the local bands that will make it are the ones who focus hard on developing their skills, and fighting to write good songs. Not ones who want to play live once a week. The bands that have succeeded in Atlanta's 'local scene' seemed ot have focused on this, including Daath (their album was 'surprisingly' good), and Mastodon.

I'm fully willing to promote/help a local scene when it means helping to get quality international/national touring acts in too. Or willing to promote bands that really have it together and seem interested in enough in making music, so that I'm interested in hearing their music. But for the people who rest once they can cover an Iron Maiden song well, and play some clean power chords with typical metal solos (basically metal cover band quality) instead of desiring to be better than Iron Maiden... ehh I just can't.

One of the reasons I think its cool that Hoyt is bringing in some bands outside of Atlanta/Georgia to add to the scene =D

In summary, the Atlanta prog/power scene will get stronger as the bands get stronger. The few good ones can't do it on their own. I'm hoping Patrick's new band will give me a stir once I finally hear what they are working on ;)

((I won't comment much on the strength of our 'extreme' metal scene... besides a band like Daath... as I just don't know enough of it.))
I would love to get out for bands more often. However, I can't always do so because, I'm sorry, but training and tournaments get first dibs on both my money and time....just ask my boss. I plan for PP because I work for Glenn that weekend, and that's something I can put on my schedule at the beginning of the year and plan around it (it's also the one thing I'm willing to skip a tournament for).

As for the scene, well, it's been fairly strong, depending on which part of the scene you're looking at. No, there's not much in the realm of progressive or power metal, but hey, it's getting better. I remember going out to some kind of metal show - death, nu, etc, almost every weekend 3-6 years ago. No, it wasn't always a case of going to the Masq (which sucks ass as a venue, btw, and is the main reason why I don't go to a lot of concerts), but some of the smaller clubs and occassionally the Tabernacle. Marietta and Smyrna are nice, but they are way out of the way for me, especially on Friday nights. Saturday wouldn't be so bad, if I could have a defnite time of when my body is going to tell me it's crash time, as I no longer have the fight house to stay at afterwards. *shrugs* Sometimes, life just gets in the way. Not to mention, I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally anti-social. :/