I don't know what's worse?

Thanks for the info Sixx. These scams have been going on for a long time and I'm privy to most of them. Screwing with musicians is one of the oldest con jobs in the book (the movie Ray has some really good examples).

The one thing most bands (and fans) don't realize is a record contract is not "we'll do everything for you", it's a loan. If a band gets $100 000 to sign with to cut an album, they have to pay it back and pay taxes on it. Many contracts will take you for publishing rights and all sorts of other things. It's why so many musicians make multi-platinum records and are broke several years later. (John Foggerty anyone?)

And lastly, don't give money to anyone without something in writing and a lawyer.
Speaking of John Fogerty, he holds the distinction of being an artist who has been sued for, "sounding too much like himself." He signed his life away on the CCR stuff, and the publishing rights were either owned by the record company or his manager, can't remember which. When he recorded the song The Old Man Down The Road as a solo artist, the holder of the publishing rights sued him because it sounded too much like Run Through The Jungle, a song he had written but they owned.
Speaking of John Fogerty, he holds the distinction of being an artist who has been sued for, "sounding too much like himself." He signed his life away on the CCR stuff, and the publishing rights were either owned by the record company or his manager, can't remember which. When he recorded the song The Old Man Down The Road as a solo artist, the holder of the publishing rights sued him because it sounded too much like Run Through The Jungle, a song he had written but they owned.

Right that's amazing isn't it? Also did you see where The Beatles are issuing their own Rock Band game? I'm wondering how they are able to do this? Didn't Michael Jackson swindle Paul MaCartney out of his songs?! I frankly never been a fan of The Beatles so I haven't kept track of who owns what these days. I can say that I've never owned any of their albums and I can't say that I regret it....I'm more of a Stones fan....
I don't know what's worse? The fact that there are people out there fucking with people's hopes and dreams to make a living off their music or the fact that there are people this dense to get the fact that they are getting "played?"

Which is worse? The fact that there are bands THAT naive as to give someone money because they believe him to be some label representative. If you're that dumb, you've got it coming.
I think Michael Jackson is doing it for the money. I doubt the remaining Beatles have any say in this. It's sad. That prick shouldn't have won those songs from Paul.

But they could be fun to play...

A few years ago when Paul was on Howard Stern he was angry when asked to comment on the situation. Paul said that Jackson had asked him that if he were to invest money in something where would be the best place to put it. Paul told him to buy some music so when it where to be used he'd see $$$$ each time. Jackson said something like "I'm going to own your songs." Paul brushed it off and was pissed whn he found out that Jackson did in fact buy his publishing rights....
I seem to remember Paul buying back a bunch of the rights when Michael Jackson hit money troubles, maybe a year or two ago. I think they are partly owned by some conglomerate as well.
Speaking of John Fogerty, he holds the distinction of being an artist who has been sued for, "sounding too much like himself." He signed his life away on the CCR stuff, and the publishing rights were either owned by the record company or his manager, can't remember which. When he recorded the song The Old Man Down The Road as a solo artist, the holder of the publishing rights sued him because it sounded too much like Run Through The Jungle, a song he had written but they owned.

fogerty is set now. he's back on his original label that CCR was on (FANTASY)and i think he owns his songs again