i dont like my own work anymore

It's not completely bad as far as I can tell but It's overcompressed and pumping making it mushy and 2 dimensional... Allso possibly destroying the higher frequencies (but maybe it's just the mp3 compression).
Could you upload an unmastered non-streaming version? It will be easier to figure If the problem is just the mastering process itself or if you rely too much on master buss compression to get the mix working (automix as Metalkingdom say...:p Like 80% of the mixes posted here ).
nah, im bouncing 3 db gain reduction the whole song

and only cutting into my mix about 1 or 2 db on the limiter

my quad comp isnt getting hit very hard

the reason i posted this was to see what other people thought because i feel as though im starting to get a false perspective on what sounds good or bad

i dont like how my stuff sounds. its way better than i used to do... i still dont have the mighty guitar sounds that i want, no bite.

also, i dont hear the pumping
I like it! Great production. It's a bit full on brickwall, but then, the music is! I'm not sure what Burny is talking about with the pumping, i cant really hear that, but he sure has a keener ear than I currently.
3db can be a lot depending on what comes in... Anyway... Just my opinion...:)
Uh, I'm definately hearing the pumping too. It could just be your attack and release times. It's mainly a noticable "problem" in hte intro with the blast beats. Production other wise is pretty cool. The drums are a bit machine gun for my taste, but it works. There's a mid frequency in the guitars which, if taken out by like 1-2 dB, could make them sound more dry and "in your face", and also help the vocals cut through a bit more.
Brutal song though.
I just happened to take a listen to all your songs on there. Production of guitars,vocals and bass sounds cool. But the drums all sound like there a bit over compressed and like a few people stated sound like there pumping and breathing or however you wanna say. That seems to be the same on all the drum tracks :Smug:

Just my 2 cents but like i have said before I'm still pretty new to this but thats just my take on it :saint:

Just took another listen it really seems like it pumps when there is blast beats or something heavy on drums! Maybe its a limiter or something hitting to hard? I'm really wondering what is causing this now........
i think it sounds great, very natural and not too overproduced (as far as most metal these days goes)
I don't really know what are you considering as "maybe wrong", to me it sounds nicely produced, the only thing I'm not liking much is some arrangements, but the production sounds great to me :|
Sometimes too short of a release times will create that effect, which it kinda sounds like is your problem. It's a very rapid release and I can only hear it in a few places (not really pumping, per se). It's really, really a hard thing to set stereo-buss compressors, IMO. I'm trying to get the hang of it, and I'm getting pumping all over the place also.

I can set comps on guitars, bass, drums, etc....but not on the stereo-buss, lol! So, uh yeah, I'm not in any position to give you advice.
I think your mixes sounded very great!!!

Only the kick and snare is a little bit too hard compressed. Thats everything
it´s sounds killa to me. For shure

And I think it´s much better then a lot of sh*** i´ve heard on this forum

I´m currently working with a rock and roll band. This guys kicks ass but they want to sound like bands wich records is over 30 years old.

So I have nothing to posed here cause nothing is metallic enough
sounds great, alittle lacking in the low end department, and i can see the brickwall limiting comments, but it sounds very professional.


i try to make my master's translate on any system, i have a little boom box and i've learned exactley what point it goes over board within my mastering chain, so i've always got the bass under control in the same manner on my mastering. that way when it hits the streets, its not gonna make your boom box have strange buzzy sounds that weren't intended to be heard in addition to the recording. i mean, doesn't that bother you if your recording makes someone's boom box start rattling, its like unprofessional lol.