I don't see jesse Jackson talking to rosie for the Chinese...

SEriously..who gives a fuck??? Is it that everyone who is non white takes offesnse to everything?? Should I flip my top when someone makes a polish joke?? Or makes fun of an Irishman? Or says Limey? Shit..if someone pretends to have an English accent and they arent white we might as well lynch that fool, thats crazy!

Too many thin skinned ignorant wastes of space on this planet.
The point isn't whether or not Rosie is a bloated hypocrite. The point is, where are the Asian equivalents of Sharpton and J-Jackson when our yellow friends are the victims of these agregious and heinous words? There isn't an Asian Jesse Jackson for two reasons. 1-Asians aren't always crying out, claiming to be victims. 2-There is a double-standard when it comes to the treatment of and perception of social issues surrounding blacks. At least, that is how I see it and think that is what Bill was alluding to.
And if someone calls her a fucking dyke she would be pissed. That is called a hypocrite.

Something tells me that Rosie is a loud and proud dyke. She wouldn't be offended at all. She's out of the closet and loving it, it seems.
There isn't an Asian Jesse Jackson for two reasons. 1-Asians aren't always crying out, claiming to be victims.

ahh, but there must be.
Read the article. It says:

Karen Lincoln Michel, president-elect of Unity: Journalists of Color Inc., said O'Donnell's remarks "really didn't sound like an apology to me."

Lincoln Michel said Unity was waiting for Barbara Walters, who created the show, to respond to a letter asking her to publicly acknowledge that O'Donnell's remarks were "patently offensive."

"I think by allowing Rosie O'Donnell's cheap jabs at Chinese Americans to go unchecked, then the network is essentially condoning racial and ethnic slurs," Lincoln Michel told the AP in a phone interview.

I don't know who Karen Lincoln Michel is, but she seems like an oversensitive nit-wit in this article.
You are right, Karen Lincoln Michel might just be our yellow-Sharpton, so to speak. But, the fact that we have never heard of her, indicates that she is not quite in his league of ignorance, yet...