I don't speak Norwegian


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2008
So, how do you pronouce the following?

Borknagar (is it BORK-nuh-gar?)
Dimmu Borgir (is it DIM-mu or dim-MU? And how do you prnounce Borgir?)

And an O with a stroke through it. I only speak English and German, so I have no idea how those crazy Scandinavians sound :)
I can try...

Borknagar - Bawrk nah gahr
Dimmu Borgir - Dim-uh Bawrg eer

The name Dimmu Borgir is Icelandic by the way, so it's hard for me to say exactly how to pronounce it. And Borknagar is just a made-up word so I can't really say that my way of pronouncing it is the correct one.
Haha, I didn't realize it was a made-up word. Well, I know a couple of the guys from the band hang around these forums, so maybe one of them can answer it for us. Anyone speak Icelandic?

Bork naa gaar not naggar.But then the different languages have different ways of saying this, and the american version is what got us into the whole mixup and Work- my pals. But it doesn't rime at all saying it in norwegian

Dimmu Borgir= Dark Castle or something. This is an actual location in Iceland as far as I know. It's a landscape more or less permanently in mist that would remind of a castle.
Borknagar is a fascinating band name, one of the best in originality. Many other bands have generic band names, girlie emo band names, band names ripped off from other bands songtitles, those are the bands you can tell suck before even hearing their music.
Thank you to everyone who chimed in, even the people who didn't actually know. :)

Turns out, the Epic video is hilarious. Borknagar is pronounced "bork-NAH-gar" by the Scandinavian folks, but that sounds funny to an American ear, so I'll wager BORK-nah-gar is the proper "Anglicized" pronunciation.

The best parts were their producer playing Aqualung by himself (with the words "He's not in the band" printed underneath him), and their newest drummer, who appears to be three or four years old.
I can’t speak Norwegian
So I’ll let the funky music do the talking talking
I can’t speak Norwegian so I’ll let the funky music do the talking
I can’t speak Norwegian
So I’ll let the funky music do the talking talking
I’m in deep friend
So I’ll let the funky music do the talking