I don't think birkenau will be back much

Ellestin said:

I don't quite understand the meaning of the train tracks though? :confused:
Birkenau said:
I don't like Cradle and I'm not a pre-adolescent, nice try though.

Im sorry sir. I didn't mean pre-adolescent. I meant to say "pre-pubescent.

You don't like Cradle, yet you listened to their album Nympinpiss just a week ago?
Reign in Acai said:
Im sorry sir. I didn't mean pre-adolescent. I meant to say "pre-pubescent.

You don't like Cradle, yet you listened to their album Nympinpiss just a week ago?
No I listened to it a couple of months ago.

Since when did listened to = likes? Nice assumption moron.
I happen to really like chihuahuas so all I can say is:

markgugs, you faggot, get in here.
What did this dude do anyhow? Besides the 1-star bandit thing, which, after sticking to his guns for waaaaaaaay longer than was funny anymore, I highly enjoyed.

Did he pee in yer pooper?
It's probably the fact that I spent $0.oo on my album collection and markgugs had to spend $10,000.oo+ because of his inability to use a simple p2p program.
MadeInNewJersey said:
he didn't "do" anything, other than generally be a prick, repeatedly

and I don't like him. you can keep sucking his e-cock though if that's what you'd like
Yeah anyone who doesn't agree with you is sucking my e-cock. :rolleyes:
Ellestin said:
He says Blut aus Nord his the crap of the millennium...

...ho, and Three Sheetz, too...
5 stars.

Oh maaaaaaaan Birkenpuppy, you're one of those "I refuse to buy album" types? Well I'm not going to continually be a price to you like 'gugs, but that still sucks. Support the artists dammit!

edit: I meant prick, is that like, reverse Freudian slip or something?
Birkenau said:
It's probably the fact that I spent $0.oo on my album collection and markgugs had to spend $10,000.oo+ because of his inability to use a simple p2p program.

shit, I forgot that part

That's right, you're a fucking thief. I support the artists you fucking cocksucker, I'm well aware of how to "steal" as you seem to be so proud of.