I don't think birkenau will be back much

Birkenau said:
It's probably the fact that I spent $0.oo on my album collection and markgugs had to spend $10,000.oo+ because of his inability to use a simple p2p program.

Haha, dude, your just putting nails in your own coffin. Sheeeeesh, think before you type.
Birkenau said:
I would if I had the money. Plus there's not much worth supporting now days anyway.

Dude you're fucking 26 years old and you can't spare 11 fucking bucks for an album that gives you countless hours of pleasure? Where the hell does your money go? Or are you an unemployed shit for brains that sits home all day downloading on p2p with a 64 ounce diet coke by your side?
Man I wish I was a moderator so I could change all of 'gugs posts in this thread, that would be HILARIOUS.
MadeInNewJersey said:

Let's make this worse.
Reign in Acai said:
Dude you're fucking 26 years old and you can't spare 11 fucking bucks for an album that gives you countless hours of pleasure? Where the hell does your money go? Or are you an unemployed shit for brains that sits home all day downloading on p2p with a 64 ounce diet coke by your side?

No way he's 26.

NAD, you're a faggot too.
Haha . Decadent was telling me about all these "Nibber" aborigine in Australia who just sit outside of liquor stores jobless and bitter. This could be what birk-n-turf does as a past-time. However he is fortunate enough to have hardworking parents that can supply him with food, shelter, and a fast processing computer for his dling delight when he returns home.
So does GMD still suck? I remember last time I was in there some dude was saying he didn't like Nokturnal BOREdom and the sequence of posting was somewhere along the lines of this:

"Well you like Skid Row, you know nothing."
"Yeah well you like Metallica, what do you know about anything."
"But you like ______, so you're obviously an idiot."

I mean yeah, we're pretty stupid here at RC. But at least we're funny. Those idiots were completely serious!
NADatar said:
So does GMD still suck? I remember last time I was in there some dude was saying he didn't like Nokturnal BOREdom and the sequence of posting was somewhere along the lines of this:

"Well you like Skid Row, you know nothing."
"Yeah well you like Metallica, what do you know about anything."
"But you like ______, so you're obviously an idiot."

I mean yeah, we're pretty stupid here at RC. But at least we're funny. Those idiots were completely serious!

GMD needs Guardian of Darkness. The little twit made the place bareable.