I dream of Andy.

Nitronium Blood

Dec 28, 2001
Marchin' up and down the scqaiya.
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This is about my dream regarding Andy in a world where he has set up some sort of hotel in a castle for his legions of fans.​


I initially found myself in what seemed to be some sort of green room/lounge area, with a black leather sofa set, and a 68cm-ish tv with a small wooden coffee table inbetween. Sitting on the sofa was Andy, James and two other people who I presume happened to be from this forum. They didn't seem acknowledge my presence or anything. I think they were watching football or something, and at some point Andy excitably pointed at the screen, in a very "See, I proved my point" sort of way.

Next, I was outside in a tiled courtyard with a couple of bushes and very thin trees randomly placed. There was a small crowd of about 7 or 8 people, and right behind a tree towards the upper left corner of the yard was Mahatma Gandhi. I can't remember what I said to him, but from what I remember I was trying to joke with him, but he took offence, saying something like "James Murphy does not like you, and you've irritated me, and I do not like you too". He then walked off, along with the rest of the crowd. I was disturbed that Gandhi could actually get angy at someone, especially me!

Next, I was in some sort of castle dining hall, like in the game 'Oblivion' and everyone except myself were standing in some sort of cue. We were about to play a game, hosted by Andy. Andy came out of no where with a collection of thick hard-cover books about '17th century naval expeditions' or some vague rubbish like that. The game was simple: A couple take turns reading each sentence of the book they select, for a few minutes, in the queens accent. Everybody including Andy laughed as the first couple in the que began reading aloud in their best fake british accent.

I now found myself alone in Andy's very own food forum. I was seated near 'Nandos', the chicken restaurant's counter. I was all alone, and I think I was waiting for someone. Heaps of international students from Asia were either studying or congregating around the various food forum tables. I remember hearing a lot of 'plates being placed/cleared' from the tables like Ambience.

The castle hotel rooms were organised in a circular dark gregorian monastery like way. In the center of the circle was a pillared dome with maby 5 victorian styled cupboards next to each pillar. On the desk of each wooden cupboard like structure were hardcover books that seemed to be FAQs for Andy's hotel. The first page had the question "Why does Andy charge $250 a night, while others charge far less?" And the asnwer went something like "With years of industry experience, Andy is doing us a favour by allowing us to gain his insights. Remeber that Andy does not have to do this, he is only doing this as a favour to his fans...." and there was more but I just can't remember.

Next I was in a tent somewhere in a carnival while it rained cats and dogs in the english country-side, really pissed off and depressed that Andy was actually charging me $250 per night and that I only had $1000 or something for my very first trip to the UK.

Then the dream morped into something to do with my brother's friend discovering me moping in that tent. It gets irrelevant after.
I often have very long, vivid, detailed dreams like this that are realy messed up. I always break them down and anaylize the pieces.

I am by no means a dream expert or psychologist or anything. This is just how I view dreams for the most part:
I just see everything as basic common sense/knowledge and it's usually all about you, even if you're dreaming about someone else. Emotions, insecurities, guilt..ect.

1. Maybe the TV screen Andy was "pointing" to and "proving a point" was this forum since the whole dream is based on this forum and Andy often reads it and responds to it.

2. Maybe you see Andy as a great person, like a Ghandi type figure.

3. Maybe you are concerned that James doesn't like you because of a minor argument that I believe you had with him a few months ago and maybe you feel that if James doesn't like you than Andy also doesn't like you because James and Andy seem to be good friends. And then the "rest of the crowd" walked off meaning the other forum members.

4. The castle would be Andy's studio. The british accent would be the way you would expect Andy and people there to talk but maybe to the extreme because you think it's kind of funny; which it is. :lol:

5. The food forum is just your obsession with food which you have made us all aware of. :lol: Hell, who isn't obsessed with food? By the way, do you frequent food forums? :erk:

6. In the last part, you (like all of us) want Andy to produce, engineer, mix or more likely, all of the above for you but his price is far, far more than you can afford.

Well, what do you think? Is it all so obvious that I just made a complete ass of myself or did I do that regardless? :lol:

I'll tell ya' what Nitro, you got balls for posting that. I too had a dream a while ago about James...or was it James and Andy? I can't remember anymore or what it was even about. I know at the time it was detailed like yours and I considered posting it but decided not to.

Once in a great while I'll dream that I'm hanging out with a celebrity. Bjork, Howerd Stern and the latest, Dave Grohl. :rock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Radd said:
I often have very long, vivid, detailed dreams like this that are realy messed up. I always break them down and anaylize the pieces.

I am by no means a dream expert or psychologist or anything. This is just how I view dreams for the most part:
I just see everything as basic common sense/knowledge and it's usually all about you, even if you're dreaming about someone else. Emotions, insecurities, guilt..ect.

1. Maybe the TV screen Andy was "pointing" to and "proving a point" was this forum since the whole dream is based on this forum and Andy often reads it and responds to it.

2. Maybe you see Andy as a great person, like a Ghandi type figure.

3. Maybe you are concerned that James doesn't like you because of a minor argument that I believe you had with him a few months ago and maybe you feel that if James doesn't like you than Andy also doesn't like you because James and Andy seem to be good friends. And then the "rest of the crowd" walked off meaning the other forum members.

4. The castle would be Andy's studio. The british accent would be the way you would expect Andy and people there to talk but maybe to the extreme because you think it's kind of funny; which it is. :lol:

5. The food forum is just your obsession with food which you have made us all aware of. :lol: Hell, who isn't obsessed with food? By the way, do you frequent food forums? :erk:

6. In the last part, you (like all of us) want Andy to produce, engineer, mix or more likely, all of the above for you but his price is far, far more than you can afford.

Well, what do you think? Is it all so obvious that I just made a complete ass of myself or did I do that regardless? :lol:

I'll tell ya' what Nitro, you got balls for posting that. I too had a dream a while ago about James...or was it James and Andy? I can't remember anymore or what it was even about. I know at the time it was detailed like yours and I considered posting it but decided not to.

Once in a great while I'll dream that I'm hanging out with a celebrity. Bjork, Howerd Stern and the latest, Dave Grohl. :rock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You know Radd, that does make sense when you break it down like that. :lol:

You know, I've never thought to be part of an online food forum. I might look into that.

Yes I have no life. So be it. :lol:
One question - when you say 'raining cats and dogs' you do in fact mean that it was raining heavily and not in fact dropping small domesticated animals outside your tent? That could bring in worlds of different meaning; years back, when I was first introduced to violent, gory video games (I believe it was Quake II) I ended up having a dream where it was, as the expression goes, 'raining men' - men, and quite possibly a number of women, in chunks of various shapes and sizes - and I had to get the house keys from a table in the very same house, for no apparent reason, but was too busy staring with my mouth wide open at the dismemberment taking place right outside the open (again for no good reason) window. I still haven't figured that one out entirely (have fun, Radd), but since that was nine years ago (I'm 18 now) I'm not too concerned anymore.

:lol: I just remembered, weren't you (jokingly) going to have a "Nitonium's Cafe" sub-forum or something? That might have something to do with that part of the dream also.

Just keep up with the humorous comments and don't worry to much if someones gonna take them the wrong way...we'll set them straight for you.

We love you Nitro, even if you are a little psychotic. :heh: :lol:
JBroll said:
One question - when you say 'raining cats and dogs' you do in fact mean that it was raining heavily and not in fact dropping small domesticated animals outside your tent? That could bring in worlds of different meaning; years back, when I was first introduced to violent, gory video games (I believe it was Quake II) I ended up having a dream where it was, as the expression goes, 'raining men' - men, and quite possibly a number of women, in chunks of various shapes and sizes - and I had to get the house keys from a table in the very same house, for no apparent reason, but was too busy staring with my mouth wide open at the dismemberment taking place right outside the open (again for no good reason) window. I still haven't figured that one out entirely (have fun, Radd), but since that was nine years ago (I'm 18 now) I'm not too concerned anymore.

http://www.southparkstudios.com/dow...ame=Dude, this is pretty f*cked up right here...

Sounds like It's just the video game embedded in your brain from long, intense stareing/playing.
Can't be that - I only saw it for about a minute, and then left. I play violent video games a lot more now, and I have dreams where I don't feel like waking up so I hit the button on my alarm clock and the whole world goes to sleep for about fifteen minutes.

JBroll said:
Can't be that - I only saw it for about a minute, and then left.


Ok, this is the best I can come with on the info that I have.

The open window represents the opening of your eyes to a different world that you knew at the time. This different world would of course be the violent, angry, negative world symbolized by the raining body parts triggered by the video game.

The house keys maybe represent safety & security which is why you felt you had to get to them even though you were already in the house anyway. Maybe you were in a state of shock from seeing the raining pieces, therefore unable to move and/or maybe you realized that there is nothing that you can do to make it all stop; that you were going to have to deal with this new world and weren't always going to be totally safe and secure.

I may be reading way to much into your dream here and be going way overboard. I don't know, how's it sound? :erk:
I think that could make sense; I should probably also mention about the keys that I didn't get a house key until about six months ago and we've been living in this house for almost eight years. I keep thinking, though, that maybe there's as much in my reaction to it as anything else.

Fortunately my new dreams are simple - I hit the snooze button and the entire world goes to sleep for about fifteen minutes, probably just because I'm an egotistical jackass who will spend the rest of his life making the world revolve around him. Maybe I should be worried about the one where I'm in a developmental math class and everyone but me is naked and I'm the only one who knows the answer... I don't know whether to be concerned more by the complete reversal of the common dream or the fact that I'm stuck way the hell back in a developmental math class when I'm clear all the way up to Differential Equations and I aced the SAT II Ad Math test. Perhaps I should also mention that there's no teacher or textbook anywhere in the room, while I'm at it.

Ooh, look, funny men in lab coats, I'll go see if they want some tea and carcass...

Radd said:
6. In the last part, you (like all of us) want Andy to produce, engineer, mix or more likely, all of the above for you but his price is far, far more than you can afford.

7. You're gay for andy, and you want to gay it up with him at his studio.

the last one seems to ring true.
JBroll said:
Maybe I should be worried about the one where I'm in a developmental math class and everyone but me is naked and I'm the only one who knows the answer... I don't know whether to be concerned more by the complete reversal of the common dream or the fact that I'm stuck way the hell back in a developmental math class when I'm clear all the way up to Differential Equations and I aced the SAT II Ad Math test. Perhaps I should also mention that there's no teacher or textbook anywhere in the room, while I'm at it.

Ooh, look, funny men in lab coats, I'll go see if they want some tea and carcass...


Maybe this dream is telling you that you're still "stuck back" in your old ways and that you still need to "learn" to not be an egotistical jackass as you put it.

"everyone but me is naked and I'm the only one who knows the answer"
Do you generally view people as all the same and idiotic?