I finally have Nordland I from Bathory

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
It took 10 weeks, but I have Nordland I, and what I heard more than makes up for the wait... despite some Bathory fans being whiny about the fact that the recording quality is GOOD this time and that he tries things other than his typical "Shores in Flames" wail, this album is most amazing, his experiments more than paid off, and I would most definitely call this my best album out of all 83. I nearly cried from hearing the excellent rhythms, leads, beats and vocals from this record, and from the sample I heard of Nordland II, that CD is every bit as promising. Warning: Better than Hammerheart, but different than it as hell. Rating: Solid 10/10
I saw... What was that work thing? Something called OE said it wasn't safe to open... stupid OE.
Bathory are epic intense music , no technical stuff, not any technique at all, just lots of emotion , brilliant melodies, and seducing magic atmosphere.
I dont think you will like them.
A few months back, when Nordland 1 first came out, a friend of my's played some in his car and I's was very inpressed by it, after being turned off some of Bathory's other works. So, liek the diligent metalhead that I's is, I went in serach of it to buy for my's own. When I's first found it, I's has no money that I's could waste or use to put it on lay-by and, typically, when I returned a few days after to buy it, it was gone. I's has recently found it again and it costs fourty-six fucking dollars!!! But then all the Bathory imports cost that much. *shrugs and sighs* Aw, well. nothign I's can do about that I's suppose but saves my's money.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Nordland 1 and 2 both rule. My favorite is still Under ths sign of a Black Mark. Quorthon is god. Him and Fenriz still retain those epic qualities in their music from the begining. your right, no technique really, but the emotion and mood of the albums makes them masterpeices.
Bathorys first 4 are supposedly their masterworks

Shit, i was listening to a bunch of Marduk this morning (from the earlier days) and stumbled upon the track FUCK ME JESUS, wow, that was pretty fucked up.
yeah, by masterworks I meant black metal, I heard their viking metal stuff is shit...gotta check it out for meself though