Nordland 2 - fantastic

crystal dawn

Aug 10, 2004
HI everyone :wave:
I might be a little behind you all here but i have just brought bathory,s latest album and the latest in the nordland saga - nordland 2. I am really impressed with it, and think its rates at probually my favourite bathory album closely followed by twilight of the gods, though nordland 1 was good. Nordland 2 just seems to have everything you could want from an album. The first time i listened to it i got to 5th or 6th track and began to get suspicious as i had enjoyed all the tracks up until then, so was waiting for the albums decline, but it did not come and my suspicions where ill founded. I like all the tracks one this album, there is nothing to dislike about it, to sum up a true masterpiece. :worship:

crystal dawn

:hotjump: :rock: