I finally have Nordland I from Bathory

i must say im a fan of almost all of bathorys work, there were just about 2 or 3 albums in the middle that kinda sucked.. Octagon, Destroyer of Worlds, and i cant rememba the otha 1.. but Nordaland is definitely a pretty strong album from what i have heard.. im waiting for the double LP to be released so i can grab both of em at once :P..
I just bought The Return.., Under the Sign... and Blood Fire Death on Vinyl as Re-Releases for the 20 yr anniversary.. i love my vinyl.. and i mean everyone should Support Bathory as they are the Founding Fathers of Extreme Metal..
as for Fenriz. i tend to disagree, i think there were 3 good Darkthrone albums and the rest were pretty average.. A Blaze in the northern sky, Under a Funeral Moon, and Transylvanian Hunger \m/.. everything else ive heard has been average
Have you heard Hate Them yet? it changed my mine about Darkthrone being a lost cause. That is a great album. granted the first 3 are immortal classics, and you cant get much better than transylvanian hunger in my opinion. Total Death had great lyrics, and Panzerfaust is excellent. Celtic frost influences and some brutal guitar riffs.
Yea, panzerfaust was basically a tribute to celtic frost by dakrthrone according to fenriz. Cletic Frost (especially the earliest CD's) had a big influence on DT as a whole once they switched from Death to Black Metal.