I'm watching this Madonna concert on bravo and shes doing "erotica" and it's like some piano dance hall remix version of the song that fucking sucks. Now shes doing La Isla Bonita and it sucks as well, actually that song always sucked but if you're charging 80 dollars for tickets you better play those fucking songs the way people want to hear them. I'm watching this on TV for free and I'm pissed.
Jeeze, she shits out a few kids and totally loses her balls. I liked Madonna much more when she was slutty.
U2 does this shit as well. I don't give a fuck how sick you are of playing the songs and niether does the rest of the world that you are trying to save, BONO. I wish I could turn into a villain from captain planet and eat Bono in front of 4 million starving African children.
*I actually had to edit this because I was corrected that tickets for Madonna's last tour were 150 dollars and up and not 80 as I had previously put.
Jeeze, she shits out a few kids and totally loses her balls. I liked Madonna much more when she was slutty.
U2 does this shit as well. I don't give a fuck how sick you are of playing the songs and niether does the rest of the world that you are trying to save, BONO. I wish I could turn into a villain from captain planet and eat Bono in front of 4 million starving African children.
*I actually had to edit this because I was corrected that tickets for Madonna's last tour were 150 dollars and up and not 80 as I had previously put.