I gave your mom more than 4 stars!

just my 2 cents

well dude I listened to your station for about a hour or so the last couple nights. I gave you 3 stars and this is mostly why.
I know you play quite a bit of underground bands which is great. That got you automatically 2.5 stars in my eyes. The audio quality on those tracks I do not expect to be all that good. Then when you play mainstream bands the audio quality is just as bad. I know that some of this has to do with limitations of using live365 but it just sounded bad in some cases. I need to check out some of the 64k stations to see if there is a major difference.
There was quite a few bands I never heard of that I enjoyed but I had no idea what the album was the current track belonged to. Some tracks only had the song listed while others had the band and the song but no album titled. just being picky I guess.

overall pretty sweet station with some good music despite the audio quality.