I give up, help my internet plz.


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
So this computer got a nasty little virus just yesterday. System Tool something or other, and the fucker was a task to get rid of. Gave me a new desktop background of some kind of warning with all sorts of grammatical errors claiming to want to protect me against viruses that will "Break your life!" Anyway, it's total bullshit, I fixed it. But. Internet Explorer 7 doesn't want to work anymore. Ping command works, I have an internet connection. As a matter of fact, I'm using one of my live Linux distros to surf at this very moment, and I know for a fact that the internet connection is present. But for the love of mic, I cannot get IE to fucking work, and I'm highly irritated with the whole situation. Google's fucking useless, and so is Microsoft. "Unplug your modem for ten seconds and shoot yourself in the penis hole with a BB gun because you're a fucking idiot and unplugging it solves everything doncha know?"

"The page cannot be displayed" and it's probably an improperly configured IE, but I can't very well install firefox now can I? :yuk:

So I just gave up and started getting drunk. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

any and all help is appreciated.
The virus may have damaged files associated with IE, try downloading the latest version of IE (9 beta is out) to a thumb drive and then install on the computer
Bleepingcomputer is pretty helpful in these situations. Download MalwareBytes and try running that. We've had good luck with it at work. If the virus won't allow the program to run, try renaming "malwarebytes.exe" to "explorer.exe" and running it. Malware won't touch the exlporer process.
Download RIPLinux.

Make a USB bootable disk with it.

Run RIPLinux off the USB and the included AV software to scan windows partitions/disks, or get something better while you're in Linux off the web.

Any old drive will do, 256MB is plenty.
Most likely the issue is this:

Go to IE
Navigate to tools, then Internet Options.
Go to the Connections tab, the LAN settings.
Uncheck "Use a proxy server for your lan....."

That virus automatically turns the proxy settings on and directs IE through its servers. When you remove the infection, the proxy settings are not changed back.
Also, if that doesn't work go to the advanced tab and select the option to reset all internet explorer settings. I have a feeling the first solution will work though.
Download Hitman Pro 3 and let it do its job.

edit : oh, the virus is gone :/
I dunno, you could try it anyway haha
Boot safemode with internetz. Find regrun. Try giving that a boot. (download it on another computer and bring to yours via flash drive if you have too) Let it find all the nasty shit and destroy it. Hopefully it will work.

Sounds like the virus attached its self to some of your IE boot regs. Hopefully It didn't attach its self to any Windows ones..
Take Extenze :D

Made me laugh genuinely :)

Note I said the virus was gone, but it has to be the virus that fucked up my registry. I know how to get rid of a virus, and trust me, it's gone. I tried resetting IE, importing clean Winsock registry keys, and everything else. Apparently it's a DNS error, but that's bullshit, as my ISP fucking WORKS. Their support sucks ass, it's basically any 15 year old who knows how to use google and the regedit command. So after all this, I think I'm just going to have to format my C:/