i got a pop art camera


Aug 2, 2002
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if anyone wants me to mail them (snail mail) a picture PM me
it takes regular color 35 MM film. it's totally manual, no batters, all plastic... but i <3 it.
i am going to go get like 10 rolls of cheap ass film and click away non stop for a month.
by the way only greg and nix are getting one so far so if you wnt one you better friggin PM me because ... well just because.
i posted here earlier and it didn't show up!

i'd like one, amanda. i can't PM because of on ongoing dispute with the UM Powers That Be over my previous Premium Member status.
yea it'll be something cute to soften up the whole 'dead thing' theme going on back that.

also, can you take a polaroid of it for me? or a regular pic? thnx.
i wonder if 'cute' put next to the grave will end up 'cute zombie', like a fluffy thing that eats faces.

the ones i took of it are still online, will those help? or you want actual photo print