I got myself a new guitar :D


The Turk comin' at ya!
Jun 2, 2006
Hengelo, Netherlands
Well people, i finally got myself a guitar and it's the Bo~el MC7 transparant black. I must say, when i first saw pictures i didn't think it's a pretty guitar, but when i held the thing in my hands and saw it for myself... DAMN :lol:

It's a great guitar, it's built like a tank, i got a whole bunch of other stuff like a tuner with it (because today i graduated from my school ). Huub really took the time to help me and demonstrate the guitar since it's a very has a lot of options, it's very versatile.

Here are some pics, i shot em a few minutes ago and they're shitty and don't do the guitar justice, it's a real beauty :kickass:


Me = :D
Well i think the inlays are sexy :P but thats ofcourse all about your taste (and pssst, it is metal :lol:) The pickups are Huub's custom pickups and they sound awesome and are called the HB/SD-7 pickups. About the headstock, at first i thought it was really ugly, but if you hold it in your hands it actually looks pretty nice. Ibbie-style headstocks are awesome, but i would want them on this guitar.

Me = happy camper...eh Metaller :D
Very cool!

So you hang out on the sevenstring forums as well eh? saw a couple of local sneap posters over there...

But back to the guitar, i think these pics do it more justice then their own pics i've seen so far... it looks pretty cool, i do like the inlay, and im wondering how that neck is? fat? slim? ibanez like?

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Hey fellow user!!! ;) Congratz, great axe it is!!

Helluuuu :D Hell yeah man, i LOVE this guitar, now i cant even play 6-string anymore (like i care muahahaha :kickass: ) And btw, my shizzle sucks pretty bad, wait till i get some decent recording stuff :rock:

Mutant said:
Looks great - proper color and correct (7) number of strings :rock:

Preach on brother! :kickass:

Black neon bob said:
Very cool!

So you hang out on the sevenstring forums as well eh? saw a couple of local sneap posters over there...

But back to the guitar, i think these pics do it more justice then their own pics i've seen so far... it looks pretty cool, i do like the inlay, and im wondering how that neck is? fat? slim? ibanez like?


I practicaly live on the sevenstring forums haha. Those pics really suck, you should definately have to hold it in your own hands, THEN you'll see that it looks awesome. Man at first i thought it was ugly, well guess again... it's not :rock: About the neck, it's a tad thicker than a wizard neck (but just barely) and it's a bit smaller (as in not wider). But don't pin me down on it, because i only played on a ibbie 7string once, so... But really, it plays awesome! A lot of people told me sevenstrings are a bitch to get used too, when you play 6strings, but i got used to this guitar in 5 mins.

Rock on! :kickass:
Haha yeah I'm having a hard time too when having to play six string again ;)

And indeed, @ the neck; I have an Ibanez RG7620, and 2 Bo-El's (MC7 and GG Classic), and even sold my Jem cause it was just gathering dust when I got my six string GG Classic. Bo-El necks are slimmer and a tad thicker yeah. And they play much easier imo. Far more tone too. My Ibby feels like a toy compared to Bo-El...