I got threatened by a student today


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
he picked up a pencil sharpener and said, "I'm going to f*ck you up with this." He was shirtless at the time (why I was yelling at him in the first place).

sooo now I have two hours of paperwork to do to move him toward expulsion. hooray.

this is probably the worst day of my life for 23871283627 reasons, some of which will not be revealed for a few more days/weeks, so it was kind of the last thing I needed, too.

(sorry school curseblocker stops me from typing things out fully)
no, more like one of these:

sorry if I put out opinions without knowing the particular facts but maybe going to the principal over this will escalate the situation? I'm sure it's not pleasant to recieve threats, but on the other hand a way to overcome and diffuse the situation would be to take it less seriously?
from what i understand, there are a lot of laws that prevent teachers from making their own decisions about how to handle situations. For example, if a completely normal kid is drawing completely normal pictures of his school getting bombed and the teacher sees it, if the teacher doesn't report the kid, the teacher gets in huge trouble.
Yeah I remember reading something to that effect when I taught HS a few years back. I was a temp/co-op student sort of deal, and there was a strike action while I was there, so I was forced to cross the picket line. I was actually assaulted by some *teachers* when I did that, which I thought was sort of funny -- especially when we were working together again the next week, and they just sort of pretended like everything was cool.
FuSoYa said:
from what i understand, there are a lot of laws that prevent teachers from making their own decisions about how to handle situations. For example, if a completely normal kid is drawing completely normal pictures of his school getting bombed and the teacher sees it, if the teacher doesn't report the kid, the teacher gets in huge trouble.
Yeah, pretty much any school employee is fired on the spot no questions asked if they don't report certain activity immediately. At least in California, not sure if it's a state, federal, or perhaps UNILATERAL law.
you guys are crazy. at the point at which a student makes threats against a TEACHER, that is an egregious violation that policy dictates goes to a superintendent's suspension, meaning the child is removed from the school and placed in a special school until a hearing with the superintendent is scheduled (within 2 weeks usually). then the principal, the teachers involved, and the student have to appear in referee's court and there's an actual presentation of the case, etc. usually the kid doesn't show up and pleads "no contest" and the decision to suspend or expel is made. as an example of severities, one kid at a school last year pointed at a teacher who was across the hall and, unbeknownst to the teacher, told a student "I'm going to fuck him up". the students reported it and the kid was suspended for 55 days.

it's a major violation of union rules for there not to be severe consequences when students show violence towards teachers--not just to protect the teachers, but because it makes it impossible to assure the other kids' safety, if the kid in question is at the point where he has that complete lack of respect for a teacher.

i do have some of those gun-drawing kids but they're cool and are the kids who asked me to start a D&D club. i don't think they'll really do anything about it. the kid who threatened me, though, hasn't been home in 3 weeks (no one knows where he comes to school from; he sure doesn't do work here). he also has been suspended and out of school for the past 2 weeks and yesterday was his first day back (he came in the day before to have a meeting with the principal and his mother, the mother and him screamed at each other, and then stormed out and told him she couldn't do anything about him).

azal, i dunno why he was shirtless, he got suspended two months ago for taking off his shirt in a teacher's classroom and jumping around. he also got suspended about three months ago for sexually harassing a substitute teacher and hugging and groping her.

his mother is totally fucked up, on easter she packed all the kids into a car and dropped them off at a friend's house so she could party with her boyfriend. they really have no family life at all. plus the story is that the kid has been known to smoke crack.