I GOT TRILLIAN I GOT TRILLIAN (msn, aol, icq, yahoo people look here)

I've stopped using it recently - there are a couple of things which annoy me about it. For some reason it doesn't pick up my ICQ contacts, and it always seems to drop out on Yahoo! whenever it feels like it.
I hate ICQ. It will never let me authorise people so I end up getting angry messages from people saying "AUTHORISE ME YOU MUTHATRUCKA!!".
I like the concept of Trillion, but it's not a great tool if your an XP user and have multiple accounts - Mark has no probs whatsoever, but every time I use it it's start over from scratch and I have to enter ALL of my details again. I just can't be arsed with it anymore so I'm an MSN kinda gal now. :) (well, I have AIM too... ;)
[color=#AOEOOA]I don't use trillion, actually I havent since about a year or two ago when it was first released and they were making updates everyday since it was full of bugs.

It just dropped out whenever it wanted to and AIM never worked.

So I just leave MSN/AIM/ICQ on seperately.

Doesn't really bother me that I have to type in my password 3 times. I can usually type them all before the modem has dialed.[/color]