I guess all of you guys have been living in a hole....

The Emptier

t3h b3aSt0rZ
Oct 28, 2006
Columbus, OH/Bay Area, CA
BECAUSE OZZFEST TIX ARE FUCKING FREE!!!!!! If anyone even has a slight interest in this, or konws more info....do ou know if we can get them now or not? because i saw the tour dates and it said all "plars" none left in some cities. what does that mean??
sorry, but for some reason i cant stay logged in or i would edit the first post, but since there was already a post about ozzfest, then id rather turn it into a post for good websites for metal concert info? like dates, etc? i find it really bording looking up all the millions of bands i like and seeing if there coming near me
Yeh but I can see profugus mortis in the future, this is kinda a once in a lifetime thing :p



i guess THIS guy has been living in a fuckin hole...cuz if not he;d know that there already is a thread about this.
and omg, whats up with noobs and double (triple in this case) posts?
Ozzfest is gonna blow, it's gonna be a fucking advertisement with music playing in the background. I can already see the Nokia Tents, signing up for magazine subscriptions to reserve your 'free' ticket, 15$ bottles of water, etc.