I had a dream...


Apr 29, 2001
No, I'm not quoting history, I mean it!!!
I had the best dream where I went to my Moms house and they had picked up an Opeth video and were watching it when I got there (thats hilarious in itself). I stopped by on my lunch hour and I was like WHAT THE FUCK!??? It was the most awesome thing I ever saw, it was a documentary of the bands entire existence, all unseen footage from the early days. Not even just concert performance but everything! Even cartoon parts to it (as in a Yellow Submarine way). I "saw" Mikael in the band, before he was the singer, just playing guitar (that striped looking guitar that I had seen in an old pic), and there was just loads and loads visuals that I could only dream about (literally, huh). It was so fucking COOL, I wish you all could of seen my brain last night!!!!!
AND.. then I went to the website, and it was COMPLETELY different. It was black and blue basic coloring (vs black/orange) and the homepage was sort of a kaleidescope look to it. There were all sorts of new stuff, but I didn't have a chance to read it because I guess this is when I woke up, but man, what a night!!!
Have you ever wished you were still asleep! :p
The first time? :err:

I had a dream I was sitting on a couch chatting with Mikael and Peter. Just hanging out. I find a have dreams like that a lot. Hanging out. How exciting, huh? :lol:

So, the part about the home page changing.. was all a dream? (runs to site and double checks) DOH!
I've had a couple of dreams where I'm at an Opeth gig. (This has happened with all of my favorite bands at some point by the way.) I don't see them often, but just a couple days ago Opeth were playing at my old school's gym and they just did parts of all these cool songs they never play live. There wasn't much of an audience or stage, which made it even cooler. I remember Twilight Is My Robe...;)
Originally posted by Opet
The first time? :err:

I had a dream I was sitting on a couch chatting with Mikael and Peter. Just hanging out. I find a have dreams like that a lot. Hanging out. How exciting, huh? :lol:

So, the part about the home page changing.. was all a dream? (runs to site and double checks) DOH!

Yes, the homepage part was still the dream. I had gone to the site to see if there was some mention of this utterly amazing video I just witness. :lol:

Well I do have some of those "hanging out" dreams which are always fun to "see" them that way. I have lots of Opeth dreams actually, but for the most part I don't always remember my dreams so I've probably had tons more than I even know. The ones I do remember are usually very visual and realistic.

It totally rocks when you have a concert dream. A free gig without a lot of travelling... :headbang: !
Have you ever dreamed a song (that doesn't exist) by a band you feel sure it's going to be a future song, but then you can't remember how the tune goes. hahah
Originally posted by redblueyes

Have you ever dreamed a song (that doesn't exist) by a band you feel sure it's going to be a future song, but then you can't remember how the tune goes. hahah

Haha I did that last night. I remember it being one of the most amazing songs ever, but I can't remember anything about it now :cry:
I had a song at random in a dream last night also. The song was ostensibly Harvest, but it sounded nothing like it. It was like.. based off some Russian classical piece (kind of a slow one, not all wanky), and still had some violins in it to fill it out, but it had a lot of double bass somehow but the drums were quieter, and the guitars were mostly clean electric picking. It was an odd juxtoposition. It was all complex and fast in ways, but at the same time slow.
Originally posted by transfixed

Haha I did that last night. I remember it being one of the most amazing songs ever, but I can't remember anything about it now :cry:

HA HA.. yes! EXACTLY!!!!
They're usually fucking killer songs! I know mine are, except that I can't fucking remember them. :mad:

Wonder if these musical genius are actually the ones that remember these dreamsongs and get em down on demos. Or if they don't dream em at all, probably. :confused:

Anyway, yes dreams crack me up. I used to believe they were real important. Now I guess I realize they're all just bullshit. But the entertaining ones STILL RULE!!! Like the one I had last night I'd pay money to see again!!! :)
And it brightened up my entire day! :lol:
aww I still believe dreams are very important. :D hmm I dream that Opeth tour Australia! :lol:
redblueyes: Have you ever wished you were still asleep!
Hell yeah! Where else can you ride dark horses to the bottom of the ocean? :lol:
Originally posted by Jo
aww I still believe dreams are very important. :D hmm I dream that Opeth tour Australia! :lol:

At least you know you're dreaming when you have that one....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by redblueyes

Have you ever dreamed a song (that doesn't exist) by a band you feel sure it's going to be a future song, but then you can't remember how the tune goes. hahah

Again, just last night!! Even worse when it's your band's song! ;)
Originally posted by Hearse
I'm going to invent a device that record your dreams and you can watch them from dvd... :D

PLEASE DO!! I been wanting one of those contraptions for years!! Whoever could invent that would be multi-billionaire!! I'd probably get myself into trouble tho with one of those things...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

quote Jo:
Jo- Hell yeah! Where else can you ride dark horses to the bottom of the ocean?

HA HA HA! That sounds killer. Once I had a dream where I had to swim everywhere (like an underwater world). Swim down the street, swim thru the line at the grocery store, etc. It was just normal, everyone was doing it! heheh

Vortex: (or anyone)
Why don't you try sleeping with a tape recorder right next to your bed. I actually used to do this many (like 9-10) years ago. I read about it in a magazine and i thought it was fucking cool idea. I always would wake up during the night (as soon as I realized I had a dream) ((it takes some practice to wake up and do this)) but record everything you remember when its more fresh in your mind. Like I would tape the name of a future song I'd hear. (Ex- I also I had dreams like someone here) where I saw my fav band playing at my high school; unannounced). So I'd humm the tune or just say everything I could remember about the dream. I tell you what... IT'S SO FUCKING HILARIOUS YOU CANT BELIEVE IT! some of what yous ay doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever. But some things you're like "oh y eah" "OH YEAH!!". I still have a couple those tapes, and they are always a near-death experience to play (from laughing SO HARD hearing them!!!)

Am I strange?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I tell you what... IT'S SO FUCKING HILARIOUS YOU CANT BELIEVE IT! some of what yous ay doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever. But some things you're like "oh y eah" "OH YEAH!!". I still have a couple those tapes, and they are always a near-death experience to play (from laughing SO HARD hearing them!!!) Am I strange??

:lol: Yes! Don't forget though... we all are to each other. I could imagine the things I'd record if I tried that. I've woken up before, said some words (become more conscious as I'm saying it) and realize how fkn confused I am that I'm saying it. Half conscious people are silly. :D

I used to look up my dreams in books. After a while, the coincidences of dreaming of a spider after (nearly) being attacked by one the day before seemed too... obvious. I still do think sometimes they "hold the key" to feelings and/or suppressed emotions.

And yeah, that'd be wild if you could play a song out of your dreams.

...I could imagine the things I'd record if I tried that. I've woken up before, said some words (become more conscious as I'm saying it) and realize how fkn confused I am that I'm saying it. Half conscious people are silly. :D

There there is a lot of subconscious jibberish as well, it's soooo fkn funny too. It's like you, but also like a complete stranger. IT'S WEIRD!!!!

I used to look up my dreams in books. After a while, the coincidences of dreaming of a spider after (nearly) being attacked by one the day before seemed too... obvious. I still do think sometimes they "hold the key" to feelings and/or suppressed emotions.

Well like I said already, I did strongly believe in a dreams/future connection...until recently. Now.. I only agree in the suppressed emotions as you mention. And also, obviously, the direct relation to todays events may seep in there. I have many dream dictionarys and dreamcards etc.... they're still a hobby but, I guess I lost my faith in them being really the utmost-important to your future destiny, or life's path, as I once thought. Now I'm just hoping for the mass entertainment they give, when I can remember them. Of course any steamy dreams are ALWAYS most-welcome too!

I didn't have ANY dreams last night!!

You guys should post some of your most cool, strange or otherwise odd dreams. I think that would be some hilarious reading. :D