i hate having the sniffles


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and also while i am on the subject of hate, here are a few other things that i hate from this week:

1. i hate setting my alarm for 5:30am to try and get into work early only to have my completely unconscious body turn the alarm off before i wake up so therefore i oversleep and show up loate to work.

2. i hate looking for an apartment.

3. i hate people who leave phone messages that are longer than God and don't just tell me their phone number at the beginning of the call since i know why they are calling me anyway.
I hate the fact that my boss cut my pay without telling me, now I have to look for a new job.

I hate the fact that I still can't fucking walk.

I hate the fact that I'm "lonely", if you get my meaning.

And I hate the fact that Alex only loves me as much as a vegetable.
my nose was posessed today by the evil demon of sneeze. so far i have kept it at bay but i've been busy putting curses on people who ruined my threads.

i don't really hate anything but i strongly dislike my coworker listening to his boring voicemail on high volume speakerphone.

also, greg: i will call you at 5:30 am if you want to make sure you get up?
also i am terrified of alex and kitty because it reminds me of the 4th grade when my best friend tom tried to hold my hand during a talent show and jezreal bit him... on the face.
OOoo, i feel you. I've this stupid cough for about two weeks. it's started to keep me up at night and i haven't gotten much sleep and i'm always so damn tired at school that i don't pay attention. but i refuse to take any sort of medicine. i'll let my body fight it off.

oh, and i also just recently developed a runny nose which makes me even happier right now
Alex is as smooth a 15 miles/h face first plunge on pavement.

I have had this weird feeling like my ear had an infection but without the pain. Basically my ear feel like a wind is always blowing in it and like tinnitus is amplified by ten. I went to see the doctor tonight and he tells me everything is fine and I am congestioned, which I don't feel like I am. Meanwhile I am annoyed 24/7 by this goddamn ear...

I am going to have to look for an appartment soon, my friend who owns the house I live in decided to sell it. So I am going to move for the 5th time in six years and I am quite tired of packing boxes and moving my stuff. My furniture is falling apart because of all the moving around. Next time I move I am buying a place...