I hate whiggers.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Yesterday at lunch, I was sitting with my friends Cat and Cynthia. Next to us was a table full of hardcore whiggers (hardcore in the sense that the only way you could convince them they're white is to use post-hypnotic suggestion *Psychology dork*) and 1 or 2 actual black guys. As Cat was talking, she pointed out that one of the whiggers from the next table flicked something (a small piece of food) into my hair. Cynthia picked it out and then Cat yelled over to them "You really need to have some respect", and Cynthia also yelled something to that affect. They were met with a birage of sexist, racist, all-around stupid insults and remarks that are pretty much typical to people of this mentality, for even daring to challenge the supiriority of the gorrilla-powers that be... Cat and Cyn. "stood their ground" so to speak, while I just kept my eyes concentrated on the table, deciding that it'd be for the best if I left to "defending" and "standing up" to the people that actually have the confidence, those people being not-Darkspot. Darkspot trying to stand up for herself usually never works out to her advantage, anyway.
That ends and the 3 of us go back to talking and eating, trying to pretend that that never took place. But me just being extremely paranoid about what just happened, what might happen, what else the whiggers night want to try on us, and the fact that I can still hear their faux-ghetto tough-guy accents loudly asserting their psuedo "nigga" authority in our direction.
A few minutes later, possibly the only actual black guy (aka Whigger-God) at that table walks over to us and puts this cracker on Cat's lunch tray, saying "Here, have a cracker, crackers" and walks away, to the laughter, agreement and resumed insults of the "crackers" once more coming from his table and directed again at us. To this, Cynthia proclaims her cracker pride and Cat picks up her verbal ammo and aims it at them again.
Nothing happened after that, and I'm glad that, if that had to happen, it happened yesterday, because yesterday was the last day of the semester and on Monday we have all new classes and, hopefully, the majority of those whiggers have a lunch mod different from Cat and Cyn., because it was all of the disrespect they had to endure that really pissed me off about the whole thing.
If the gorrillas needed to single me out and subject me to their idiocy because they were in need of some ego-boosting, or they needed to complete a game of "pick on the whitey... even though most of us are white too" in order to get their hardcore-gangsta-wannabe merit badge, they should've left my friends out of it. I thought the entire point of bullying or juat making fun of someone was to find someone with less self-esteem and defense mechanisms than yourself. With what they did here, they just disrespected 2 people because they got scared of those 2 people being able to see their moronic actions for what they really were. It's the fact that Cat and Cyn were involved in this and had to deal with all of that bullshit that really bothered me...
I don't hate all... uhh... people who choose to lead a heteroracial lifestyle (ph34r my political correctness), but the people like these who feel the need to victimize others because they're part of the "___________ gang-system" or because they're angry at the world for bringing them into a white hick-town world and not the gang-land ghetto existances they feel the should be living, I really hate them.

This has been a rant brought to you by your friendly board angsty-teen :D
Yeah... this kind of situation sucks... The way I look attracts a lot of attention... The way I talk and act attracts even more attention... Most people like me and twice as much respect me... The whole college where I go and everybody at work talks about me or knows my name... But the "cool crowd" seems somewhat offended by that. I attract so much attention just by being me that they are jealous cuz they have to ride all kinds of trends to get one fifth of the attention I get.

A very funny anecdote happened yesterday!
I was sitting in the cafeteria, minding my own business, writting a report for work (cuz you see, I'm an electrician but returned to college, to go to the university after :) and some girl comes to sit with me and talks about what I do and life in general... Now that girls was one of the "cool crowd" as she hangs with jocks and fashionable people but she is still a very intelligent person, therefor, able to talk to anyone regardless the style...

So one of her friend comes toward her and when he saw that she was sitting with me he completly changed course and headed towards his big "elite" gang. The day went on... the girl left with a smile and offering me to grab a coffee sometime...

So at the end of the day, I see those "cool guys" waiting for me in the parking lot... One of the guys was wearing some brand names and a very "in" red cap" and he came to me a rappy and cool...

-"How dare you hit on my chick man?"

Kinda amused I went:

-"What is this... pre-school???"

-"You don't belong with her you blood drinking fucker.."

"Blooddrinking" ... I guess he got that from all the thrash metal shirts I wear...
Anyways... I responded:

-"See ya guys..."

Then his three little friends takes a step forward and get all pumped up because that is what they usualy do: act in troops...

This little circus went on for a couple of minutes until I got fucking bored and asked them if they wanted to be introduced to "my cool crowd" ... They looked at me and realized they didn't want to see a group of "me's" knocking on their door so they left by saying the most pathetic thing I had never heard in my life:

-You're lucky we ain't high on coke... You'd be dead now...

HAHAHAHAH Good stuff :) And they say metalheads are druggies...
Larf03, that was a very interesting story. I'd like to see a follow up to that in case anything happens.

Wiggers need to die.
That wouldn't be the case if white people in the US stop being scared shitless of being branded "racist". As it is now if a black person calls you cracker and you punch him and call him my pals next thing you know your ass is in jail and your face in all the newspapers. Black people in the US are among the most racist and discriminating groups of people. If they want to single out themselves from the rest of the population by having for example black-only fraternities or sororities in colleges, let them do that but there's no reason they should have the right to be included in everything else white people do for example. They're all a bunch of hypocrites still using the slavery excuse as a way to make others feel bad and it's sad that it works.
So what I'm saying is that there is no reason denying the fact that a black person is different from a white person. Both in looks and in culture. There's no reason trying to force the two groups to like each other, or trying to force white people to adopt black culture which is what is going on right now with MTV and everything.
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Guerrilla said:
That wouldn't be the case if white people in the US stop being scared shitless of being branded "racist". As it is now if a black person calls you cracker and you punch him and call him my pals next thing you know your ass is in jail and your face in all the newspapers. Black people in the US are among the most racist and discriminating groups of people. If they want to single out themselves from the rest of the population by having for example black-only fraternities or sororities in colleges, let them do that but there's no reason they should have the right to be included in everything else white people do for example. They're all a bunch of hypocrites still using the slavery excuse as a way to make others feel bad and it's sad that it works.
So what I'm saying is that there is no reason denying the fact that a black person is different from a white person. Both in looks and in culture. There's no reason trying to force the two groups to like each other, or trying to force white people to adopt black culture which is what is going on right now with MTV and everything.

You are right you know... Be it races or sexes... there is BOUND to be a difference somewhere so there is no use forcing them to act as everything should be equal... But no one... be it sexes or races, have to right to abuse of these said differences... That's my two cents...
Larf03 said:
:) I'll keep you posted... I going to take her offer of grabbing a coffee right tonight so something is bound to happen :)

Thanks man.

By the way, I see you on the Annihilator message board. I go there occasionally since I'm new to the band.

Annihilator :headbang: :kickass:
GroundXero3k said:
Thanks man.

By the way, I see you on the Annihilator message board. I go there occasionally since I'm new to the band.

Annihilator :headbang: :kickass:

Annihilator is my favortie band... Jeff is one of the funniest, craziest greatest guys I've ever talked to... He is as good a person as he is a guitarist!


:headbang: :kickass: :beer: :worship:
It shows that Jeff cares for his fans by him posting on the board. Warrel does that as well.

You gotta love people like that.
hmmm taking an example from previous threads and how rediculous they got, i am not going to respond to the above posts.

Instead i am going to deal with it Karen-style
Lets all drink beer!
dude...i always laughed like hell at those people...i told them that they would get a cap in their ass if they hung out on the real nigga scene...and they would be all "no! im true to my cause! West side!!" im all "what? you faghat shut up!! this is Sonora! the Foothills..HELLS HALF ACRE! gah eat my dump will ya?!"
oh well..idiots they are...

btw Larf, nice sig ;)
Maharet said:
dude...i always laughed like hell at those people...i told them that they would get a cap in their ass if they hung out on the real nigga scene...and they would be all "no! im true to my cause! West side!!" im all "what? you faghat shut up!! this is Sonora! the Foothills..HELLS HALF ACRE! gah eat my dump will ya?!"
oh well..idiots they are...

btw Larf, nice sig ;)

Thanks! :wink:
By the way... Let's all listen to annihilator's Never ... It's a good song that covers racism!!!

It's in the topic plus I feel like hearing it :kickass:
I've never had a whigger problem like that. I had a mexigger try to fight me but after I caught all his punches he gave up. I'm guessing that since most of my friends are someone bigger people assume we can fight so they don't mess with us. There have been two times when jackasses have tried to pick a fight with people with me and both times they were punk kids.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
yea 2months ago i was listening to ironically "nevermore" on my way home on the bus. And these 2 wiggers start staring at me. Im like wtf is your problem. One of the 2 bitches in question says why you staring at my friend? I'm like i wasnt even looking at your friend!!1 Then he's like well were gonna get off at your stop. I'm all bring it on bitches! So i get up in there faces and start belittling them. Calling them gay bitches and such. The bus driver almost crashes due to the conflict and he calls the cops! The cops pull over the bus and i get out following the 2 punk wiggers thinking im gonna bash there fucking teeth through their throat. But the cop is there. I explain the story he lets us all go. Gives one wigger a ticket for possession of drugs and gives me a ride to my pad. Moral of the story is. Wiggers think there bad ass in numbers. These guys were scrawny. But thought they could get away with a quick stare down to inflate there ego. I'm just waiting for the day i seen them on the street again. I'm 22 and the kids were like 19. Its usually imature kids who want to start shit. And theyll never be brave enough to talk shit on ther own. . But moral of the story. Dont fuck with a person whos blasting nevermore and forced to ride a fucking bus 20 miles home everyday! The end. P.S Fuck wiggers long live nevermore !