I have a $50 gift certificate for the local music shoppe to spend this afternoon.

What to buy?

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Isis and AtG should be automatic. Don't really care about the others. Suffocation is cool, but I really don't see you listening to it too often.

Get somemore stoner ala Black League or SPiritual Beggars or SLow Horse.
from the list, isis

if you go w/ Joy Division, get Closer.

While you're at it, get The Best of The Moody Blues!

if the store is a good one, get Reverend Fucking Bizarre

PS - Did you get that fucking package of mine with the 3 cd-r's yet? I sent it out like 1.5 months ago!!!
lurch70 said:
save your money and put it towards a better stereo :D
You dirty bugger. :loco: It's a local store, not a Best Buy or anything. They sell CDs, vinyl, and t-shirts and that's about it.

I'm not going to bother with a better stereo until I get a house, the apartment nazis get all butthurt when I listen to music loud. Fagz.