Doomcifer said:
Ya, it didnt matter whatsoever.
Seriously, I already knew which 4 albums I was going to buy today, the others were backups in case the store was out of stock. Plus I knew I had to include some "real" metal albums like At the Gates and Suffocation (I still plan on getting those), otherwise half the forum would've ignored this thread. I TRICK JOO.
matt99_crew said:
Do you listen to The Cure? Disintegration and Pornography are godlike.
Can't say I've ever gotten past Robert Smith's voice. It's really irksome to me, but I don't hate them with a passion like I used to at least. Someday I'll pick one up and give it a whirl.
matt99_crew said:
Meshuggah--That's the reaction I was expecting.
Seriously. Fucking wow. I don't know how ANYONE into extreme metal can bash these dudes, such amazing talent and emotion, and about as original as it can get these days.
Erik said:
Probably. :Smokedev:
Henrik Main said:
Not getting the Suffocation and the AtG is just laughable
Listening to all metal, all the time is much more laughable, like this:

. Seriously. A lot of you dudes that listen to metal and metal exclusively just crack me up. Why on earth do you purposely limit yourself when there is SO MUCH OTHER GREAT MUSIC out there!? Even when I was 13 and wearing black clothes and Slayer shirts on a daily basis, pissed off at the world, my parents, and my peers, I still listened to Nirvana, the Ramones, the Doors, and any other number of non-metal groups. Man, open up a little!
lurch70 said:
i don't think you realize that NAD is not really a so called "metalhead" .. just check out his threads about what he listens to.
Yeah I thought that was clear long ago. I've seen fucking Justin Timberlake in concert for fuck's sake! I am so god damn untr00 I can't even spell it correctly.
Henrik Main said:
But yeah, he's more of a pop/goth-rocker than anything these days
haha, goth? Must be the New Balance running shoes and red polo.