i have a few favorite words i fixate on every week


Aug 2, 2002
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it's a little past time of mine.
this week it's:

Mitts (ie, keep your mitts off my sandwich)
keester (because i don't even know what it is, i just know i need to get it to the office manager's desk quickly sometimes)
nefarious (because it sounds weird)
beats me, ask zander. my swedish pronunciation is probably pretty bad since I have no one to bounce things off of besides poorly singing along with records I own.
My heart told me my current word was "scrimshaw", but my mind told me I wouldn't be able to figure out how to work it into conversation more than once or twice. The eternal human conflict playing out in my own self.
Originally posted by xfer
My heart told me my current word was "scrimshaw", but my mind told me I wouldn't be able to figure out how to work it into conversation more than once or twice. The eternal human conflict playing out in my own self.

allow me to perhaps help:

"i would totally date that girl except i think her father would scrimshaw my face like a whalebone."

here's another use:

"man, i had such a bad flu last week i feel like my head has been scrimshawed". trust me, you'll use it eventually!
my favorite words are serbian one being "gnezda" which means nest...

it's just cool that they pronounce g and n sounds together where as we puss out and keep the g silent with stuff like gnu...

I also like 'Smirgla' pronounced SHMEERGLA which weans sand paperor one of those power tools that uses sand paper to sand shit down....

I like the SHM sound...I always wanted my name to be Shmendrick...it just sounds really funny...

like the magician in The Last Unicorn

"some magician.....you couldn't turn cream into cheese...you Shmendrick you...."

The Red Bull is metal as fuck!
ok, scrimshaw is either a verb or a noun, so yeah, you can say "a piece of scrimshaw" but you can also just say "some scrimshaw". Scrimshaw necessarily includes the component of whalebone or tooth, so if you refer to scrimshawing anything other than whalebone, you are speaking metaphorically.

since i--nay, everyone around me--seem to be suffering from a lack of whalebone in my life, i seem doomed to live without frequent scrimshaw usage.