i have a problem...


@sexualist death: This is advice I got when I got stuck writing music: it won't come if you force it. Take a break from doing it for a few weeks and it will return. Or read some different lyrics/poems, they don't have to be in the same style or about the same subject, just expose yourself to different types of lyrics/poems and it will often give you additional inspiration.
this attitude is so romantic, its cant just come alone... i should make it come.
Take a break its not the solution.
art dont come and goo, and i should not wait for some "inspiration"...
Originally posted by sexualist death

@sexualist death: This is advice I got when I got stuck writing music: it won't come if you force it. Take a break from doing it for a few weeks and it will return. Or read some different lyrics/poems, they don't have to be in the same style or about the same subject, just expose yourself to different types of lyrics/poems and it will often give you additional inspiration.
this attitude is so romantic, its cant just come alone... i should make it come.
Take a break its not the solution.
art dont come and goo, and i should not wait for some "inspiration"...

Actually, I think both of you made good points:

Rustymetal gave you a good idea to check out styles that you wouldn't normally read. You can often find some new "tricks" that way which will inspire ideas, and incorporate them into your own stylings.
But I don't agree with the taking a break thing.

There's a big misconception in art that "you can't force it" or "you have to wait for inspiration".
Here's how I look at it;
If I don't go near my guitar until I get a sprk of inspiration, I might only pick it up 2 or 3 times a week.
If I pick it up everyday and spend some time playing with ideas, I've got a greater chance of being inspired or hitting upon something that interests me.
Put yourself in the environment that's most condusive to creating as often as possible. In my case, that's being with my guitar and whatnot, just noodling around will often make me hit upon something that captures my ear. I'll play around and suddenly I have a really cool idea to work on.
I'd say stick with it and keep trying; you're more likely to hit upon something you like than if you're busy doing something else.