I have a question concerning two bands that I cannot find an appropriate thread to bu


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
mp, so I'll just make a new one. I searched for about 30 minutes this morning, seriously.

Weakling and Watain. Would I like either band and why?

Thank you for your cooperation, cookies and boobies for all in short order.
Both bands have quite a limited discography. Buy everything you can find. It's brilliant blackmetal of the fast, abrasive and epic kind.
Adrian, I completely owe it to you to burn the Weakling CD and send it to you. PM me your address and consider it DONE.
Watain is pretty much one of the best newer BM bands in existence. They have very strong roots in early and mid 90's Mayhem and Dissection. You might as well take it in the ass from a large hairy gorilla if you don't own any Watain.
Okay I'm really anti-CD-Rs right due to way too many flooding me, but Weakling I'm really curious about so you have a deal. Thank you. :)
Tranquillian said:
It's brilliant blackmetal of the fast, abrasive and epic kind.
This sounds like how I would describe Taake, would that be a fair comparison?
Nate The Great said:
They have very strong roots in early and mid 90's Mayhem and Dissection.
*quivers with excitement*
Nate The Great said:
Watain is pretty much one of the best newer BM bands in existence. They have very strong roots in early and mid 90's Mayhem and Dissection. You might as well take it in the ass from a large hairy gorilla if you don't own any Watain.

I second that. Their latest could perhaps be decribed as a mix of SotLB and DMDS with harsher and better vocals (than Jon) and a production (signed Necromorbus) to knock you flat.

Edit: Oh I alsmost forgot, here's the cookies

I falied to find any decent boobs :erk:
One Incher - based on your recent distaste towards black metal (whether it be satan worshipping or not), I wouldn't rush out to get this stuff...

...with that said, I've never heard Watain because I like my penchant for big hairy gorillas, so I can only speculate. (And before anyone says STFW, where can one find some Watain for jew-cheap)?

You're instincts are right about Weakling though - they are a variation of BM, with some punk influences shining through (a la Darkthone), but they seem to capture quite an ambient, evocative atmosphere. Note that the guys behind Weakling (RIP) are the same guys from The Fucking Champs!!!!

Have you heard any samples of The Fucking Champs yet? Hahaha, just a bunch of guys playing the best fucking metal riffs you can think of. No vocals, just riff city. Just go to Aqaurius Records for samples on all the above.

P.S. BEFORE THESE TWO BANDS, FOR THE LOVE OF GOAT, LISTEN TO YOUR MEADS OF ASPHODEL CD-R. IT HAS YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT IN GOAT SPERM!!! (Honestly man, it'll give you wood, and when I say 'wood', I'm talking about the kind that you might throw into your fireplace!!!).
Yeah yeah I know. You realize your post requires me to do about a week's worth of work before responding, right? :loco:

I think I heard the Fucking Champs awhile ago... I think. I did look into them either way but shall do so again. I'll spin Meads this weekend, that's one of the few CD-Rs I have left that I haven't listened to at all yet. Note that "the few" means about 20.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah yeah I know. You realize your post requires me to do about a week's worth of work before responding, right? :loco:
No no, just do the Meads of Asphodel thing. All others are optional. :loco:

(Still, these days you just want to focus your time on '04 releases, innit).
Oh is Meads an '04? My list is done man, a few albums got pushed by the wayside just like last year. P'OH!
One Inch Man said:
Oh is Meads an '04? My list is done man, a few albums got pushed by the wayside just like last year. P'OH!
No, it's '03. I'm just saying that if you want to focus on only '04 stuff these days, then be my guest.

So you're list is done!!? Cool. Have you got them ordered as well? I've got my list and order, now I need to do the write ups.

I spent several hours last night on it, I'll collect the images... probably right now! Real simple this year, Top 10 and 1 album from 2003 that deserves mention, probably will at the end of next year as well (and the year after and the year after and... :loco: ).
One Inch Man said:
1 album from 2003 that deserves mention, probably will at the end of next year as well (and the year after and the year after and... :loco: ).
Well, that's The August Engine, but I thought you liked that Kayo Dot thing as well?
Demilich said:
When's that Paypal gonna be ready to go? I need to get some stuff from you guys ;)

I've been having age problems with the bank... so I'm going to have to let Matt do the Paypal whenever he's ready. But what I CAN do is Bidpay (www.bidpay.com), which is actually a really cool thing.