i have a strange idea in my head...

Aug 15, 2002
i want to build virtual band, now.. i want to do something crazy
something combined and unique... i want to make death metal with doom metal ambience
my idea is not so complicated like its sound..
i need volunteers all this is for the fun and the challenge..
every one can record his computer or something (after all its for the fun) i believe that its possible to make something, even if its will be sucks, we can work together despite the distance and see if we can make something i will really like to try it..
and.. its the experience we dont have something to lose we can try
now, i need two guitarist, drummer, bassist, and keyboardist
to the people that wondering i am growls soloist...
any volunteer ? ( i am beging, just try we dont have any thing to lose)
(and yes, i am crazy.)
Yeah, I do. You can download a trial version of Reason at www.cnet.com
Just go there and do a search for Reason.
But, and this is a large "but"; Reason doesn't use midi to create drum patterns in the same way as many titles. It actually has it's own library of real drum samples, amongst many other sounds. This means that it's a huge file (over 500mb of samples, alone) and will take a very long time to download.

If you send me the song and ask very very nicely, I might make a drum track for you.
If you want to check out what Reason's drum sound quality is like, click >>HERE<< and listen to the files.
"Death metal with doom autmosphere?
Thats not too unigue. Good, but you said unigue.. hehe.

But how about Jazz-Doom-Progressive-Death/black Metal with two bass and two guitar one drummer 3 singer and saxophone?

"Thats the way I ahaa ahaa I like it ahaa ahaa!" "
sound nice... can we do it more like boy band please :lol: ?