I have all of you Owned.

The Leper

Apostles Triumph
Jul 26, 2004
Alright, so last night i went to Chuck Levins Music Center. I layed down a down payment of 250 bucks for a brand new PRS Custom 24 20th Aniversary edition guitar. The guitar will cost me 2500 case included. The color is in Gray Black, and it looks beast as fuck.


This is how it looks, but its darker and its 24 frets.word.

Thoughts? Flames for the expense? Do i care? fuck no.

If you think ive spent too much on a guitar, youve obviously never played this guitar. This guitar is more versatile then anything, and the tone that comes out of it it is utter beauty. Bust.
My Guitartecher has the same guitar as on the photo, it rocks, but IMO its not worth the money...with 2500 € I'd buy myself a custom Jackson Metal-Battle-Axe.
well go to RAN and pay 1300 for a custom PRS.... fuckin PRS is trash... fucking sound.... ibanez PRS retails are fucking better and cost so much less
ahh and btw.. i'll gonna pay for a RR/SV mix (no... not coz of 0MG4L3X1) to RAN... 1280 €