I have an Arrival promo and here is my thoughts.....


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2002
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Ok, I must say that I am somewhat disapointed here. Peter said the album is supposed to be a mix of Abducted and their self titled one.

I must disagree with that claim. If you ask me, this album sounds very much like the 4th Dimension, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but that would be the most accurate description of how it sounds.

The songs themselves fail to truly stick out, every song on here sounds like it was simply filler material. Admittedly, Hypocrisy filler material aint all that bad. There are no "Fire in the Sky", "Roswell 47" , or "Fractured Millenium" quality songs. Plus everysong sounds like a song off a previous album, mainly the 4th Dimension.
I guess what I like least about the album is its length. We get 9 songs and the album barely breaks 40 minutes.

What I have said may sound harsh, but The Arrival isnt a bad album by any means, it does have some catchy moments. I just get the feeling the album was thrown together to release something.

What would make the album better?
First starters, if it had more songs, like 4 or so. This would be a very good album if these songs were the supporting tracks to go along with 4,3 or even 2 very strong tracks, like each album has had, (yes Catch 22 had some fantastic songs, Seeds of the Chosen One is one of my fav Hypocrisy songs)

If I had to give this album a number rating I would give it either a 6 or 7 out of 10.
The songs themselves fail to truly stick out, every song on here sounds like it was simply filler material. Admittedly, Hypocrisy filler material aint all that bad. There are no "Fire in the Sky", "Roswell 47" , or "Fractured Millenium" quality songs. Plus everysong sounds like a song off a previous album, mainly the 4th Dimension.

i could not dissagree with you more.... all those in wait... it is worth it. this album is insane in my estimation. i LOVE every hypocrisy album EXCEPT catch 22, wich i cannot stand. this album is their redemtion to me.
while i agree there are no songs like roswell 47, fractured millenium, or fire in the sky. NOR SHOULD THERE BE. they alreadyrecorded these songs. this album is full of its own epic songs. Erased is a new level, the opening track, 'born dead buried alive', and The new world, and 'stillborn', and 'slave to the parasites are reinforcement for the fight that this album is.

if you think this sounds like the 4th dimension, then you mustve been listening to "the abyss' on repeat and missed the rest of the album. the reason why it sounds like 4th dimension is because it was recorded in the same session and released on the original release of the 4th dimension. the rest of the album is totally unique in power and melody, borrowing the better qualities of abducted and the final chapter and improving on them. while i could go for some more speed like a few songs off into the abyss i digress with this,... theyve already recorded that, why do it again?

this is my 2 bits, i think most will agree that this album stands out as one of their best.

(and if you want an album recorded that sounds like a previous one, you gotta go with osculum, that kinda power and speed with the kind of technical and production quality they have now would blow everyone away.)
by the way, this album will be no different for me that any album since penetralia..... i will buy it the WEEK it comes out, as i have with every album ever of theirs.
Something I should have mentioned in my review is that other people's opions are encouraged. Thanks Obz.

I have plenty of time to listen to the album between now and release date

In regard to me buying the album. It is a "wait and see" type thing.

I play the promo in my CD store and if it gets people to buy it, it has served its purpose to me, Nuclear Blast and most importantly to Hypocrisy.
This album will get plenty of time to grow on me.
Here's a review I did and posted it on another board:

I just found out that "The Arrival" got leaked. It's going to be released in February, but I downloaded it tonight. I haven't been in the mood for Iced Earth recently, with the upcoming Hypocrisy, Children of Bodom, Nevermore, and Dimmu Borgir concert that just passed/is coming up. Having a new Hypocrisy album right now is beyond awesome just by the fact that it's new Hypocrisy... never mind the fact that it's better than anything they've released in the past 4 years.

The first track, "Born Dead, Buried Alive" has a weird intro, and then turns into a thrashy typical Hypocrisy type song. It's good by classic Hypocrisy's standards, but compared to their last two albums, it's amazing.

The second track is "Eraser". They've been playing this one live on the tour. I wasn't really paying attention to the song when I saw them live enough to criticize it. After repeated listens, it sounds like it could fit on The Final Chapter or the self-titled album: Slow and heavy. The chorus is awesome. I'm going to learn all of the lyrics so I can be the only one singing along next Friday.

Track three, "Stillborn", is the only song that I don't like. Sounds like Catch 22. The chorus has a pretty good melody, though.

Track four: "Slave to the Parasites". This song reminds me of In Flames' Only For the Weak in so many ways. Enough said.

Track five, "New World", reminds me of The Final Chapter until the chorus. The chorus has stop and go riffing, which I hate. Other than that, it's a decent song. Nothing special.

Track six is a rerecording of an older song, "The Abyss." It was one of my favorite songs... and the rerecording is so much better than the original. Amazing track.

Track seven: "Dead Sky Dawning". This song sounds like it could've been released by Soilwork on A Predator's Portrait or something. Pretty good song. Doesn't really stand out at first, but it's good. Better than anything on Catch 22 by far.

Track eight: "THE DEPARTURE". I'm addicted to this song. This IS Hypocrisy. Slow, atmospheric, pounding double bass, and typical Hypocrisy melodies. This song gets a 10 out of 10.

Track nine, "War Within", is a good album closer. Sounds like it could fit on Into the Abyss, or maybe an Arch Enemy album. Reminds me of Arch Enemy's Tears of the Dead a little bit. Overall, this album is a major improvement from Catch 22. I'll be listening to this one a lot for the next few weeks [maybe more]. I'll be buying this as soon as it comes out.
