I have an odd question.


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
When you think about something, or recall a memory, how would you describe it?

Is it like a flash? Can you actually visualize what it is you are recalling? Does it always have a visual manifestation? Do you recall conversations with others in audio? Or do you do it some other way?
Occassionally scents will cause me to recollect certain things.These recollections are like dreams in that if I don't write them down immediately,then they'll be forgotten immediately.Which of course I don't,the sub-concious is a strange beast.
It depends on what I'm remembering. Sometimes visuals or audio but that's generally for stuff that isn't that important to me personally like bits of a conversation or a scene from a movie.

It might be a bit strange but for me personally, it's primarily the mood/atmosphere that stands out. I think I'm really affected by this on a subconscious level because often I do recall certain atmospheres of which I'm not sure where they came from. But generally when I do recall a particular event or something, it's the atmosphere I remember and how I felt in relation to that. This of course makes it tougher to describe to someone though. I guess it's kind of like describing a dream. Even if I can remember exactly what was in the dream and what happened I will never be able to fully express the depth of the dream to someone, because I can't accurately explain the mood/atmosphere and how this alone affected me.
Almost exclusively visual, with audio when needed. Scents don't come into play at all for me. I also remember almost everything I read and I remember it as words on the page, like I re-read it in my head, if that makes sense.
I suspect WAIF has re-enacted the Bloodninja "rhinoceros" cyber fantasy many a time. ;)

I relive the past through meomry film-vignettes, if that makes sense. I remember everything about where I was and what I was doing - scenery, weather, sounds, etc. Scents have the most powerful and instant recall factor.
brief visual...

Most things I recall that werent very recent are extremely vague/cloudy with details usually missing.

I've taken several sharp blows to the head in the past, concussions from baseball.... and I think they've fucked my memory to a point.
Oh. When I read and realise I'm reading, it happens to me too. Like, the same w/ breathing. When you know about it, you just breathe manually.
I asked my mother and she said she had visual and smells. Haha. No subs.
I think emotions have a lot to do with the way you remember things. When I try to remember a time or a place the memories that usually strike me the most are the ones that affected me emotionally and that feeling rushes about again.