Thinking in Pictures

thinking in pictures is called spatial think or perseptive thinking. the opposite is called analytical/conceptual thinking. most people are not entirely one or the other, but men tend to be more perseptive thinkers and women more analytical. hence more men are architects. they both have advantages and disadvantages. and like i said, most people aren't entirely one or the other.
I was reading an article about a british savant, who is considered the smartest man--or the man with the highest potential for learning--alive. Anyway, said British savant, who can pick out prime numbers in seconds, can do calculations in the billions in seconds, claims ( and this has been tested by academics) that he sees the numbers, especially prime numbers, in his head, and they have different shapes than others. Again, this has been tested for consistancy, and in fact, a week later, he makes or describes the same shapes.
Incredible. Does anyone else, while thinking in their head, have a voice in there---And is it your voice? Mine tends to vary but usually it's what I think my voice sounds like (not what it really sounds like) or Kate Winslet's. So far, no one else I've talked to about this admits to have a different voice in their mind. Maybe I'm crazy.
Susperia said:
Incredible. Does anyone else, while thinking in their head, have a voice in there---And is it your voice? Mine tends to vary but usually it's what I think my voice sounds like (not what it really sounds like) or Kate Winslet's. So far, no one else I've talked to about this admits to have a different voice in their mind. Maybe I'm crazy.
you don't really look crazy cuz i'd think you'd notice if you were schizo, wouldn't you???
she looks schizo to me .. though that might because I know someone who looks like her and well, she is not only messed up, but a pathological liar.
Well I often debate things in my head, but I wouldnt say the voices made me schizophrenic. Plus the DSM:IV requires three symptoms for legal disagnosis of schizophrenia.
judas69 said:
she looks schizo to me .. though that might because I know someone who looks like her and well, she is not only messed up, but a pathological liar.

Hahaha, well hell, if I look like someone else, I must be just like them!.