Thinking about a tat !

That one comes signed by the artist himself Gorey! :rock: :)

That one was sort of similair to the one I wanted. Well sort of similair in a not so similair way.
I feel sorry for all the poor buggers who got Metallica tattoos in the 80s and early 90s. :(

Exactly Winny Cooper!!

What if you get an Iced Earth tat, and then say 50 years later, you cant even remember who the fuck Iced Earth are? Or they changed their name to *NIced Earth and started singing boy band crapola? Huh?
It doesnt matter if the band turns crap, obviously at one time the band meant everything to you and so you got a tattoo, just because St. Anger is the worst cd to be released in a decade doesnt make Master Of Puppets suck! If you see my meaning :)
You were 8 years old! Kids are idiots, a 25 year old adult deciding to get one is a different thing altogether, by that time you have some semblance of who you are and will know the consequences etc. :)
spawn said:
The old Stormrider one would rule! :rock: Id prefer the new Burnt Offerings one, but have the guy make it look evil instead of like a 5 year old drew it (i.e. the idea was cool, execution failed miserably!)

If I ever get around to it, im going to get Purgatory done on my stomach (Not from the DOP cover though, from one of the pages of the comic)

Do you know any sites where I can get the full cover of DOP ?
All the ones I see have the ladies bum cut off the left hand side of the pic.
Not quite .... Inside the digipak of DOP the is the full pic of the vampire chick on the left and u can see her legs and it makes the pic look way better. I just can't find it ayhwhere. I've tried alot of comic sites but no luck yet. Thanks for your help ayhow :)
Spent years looking for the best dragon design for a tattoo.

Then found this amulet thing


Worn it for about three years now, and will (one day) get it translated into a tattoo.

'cept with the tail wrapped down, in front of said dragon, and ending up nearer to the lower foot.
I reckon you are heaps better off getting somthing origional . I got a wicked Piranha, i drew it as best as I could (i can't draw for shit) and took it to a good artist and he came up with a awesome design, I have had it for 6 years now and don't regret it at all.

I was really close to getting a AC/DC tatt and im so glad i didn't .
At least your brother in law knew what he was getting, Blitzy! Thing is with the people who got them years ago, they were getting a tattoo of a metal band. Now they no longer do.....not a good one anyway!

I'm sure all the people who got tattoos of Gary Glitter and Steve Randell are just loving it now!