I have finally found the perfect name!

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003
Ever since I was little, I have vowed that I was going to legally change my name as soon as I turned 18. As I am turning 18 soon, I have had many ideas, but many didn't really work out. But I think I have finally found the perfect name.

The reasoning behind the changing of my name is because my current one suxx. No one can pronounce it, and it has the most obvious 'tease' of Gayden. (It's pronounced Kayden for all who didn't realise) So yeah. I was relaxing with the Leather Boyz, havin' a yarn to Connie Foxx... trying out RokkyRazor... different things. When it dawned on me...


Not only is it a ROKKIN' name, it actually has some story to it.

In the past we fought with Lance's... in the future we will fight with Lazer's... I will be the one to bridge the gap.

So as of (sometime after) July 31, my name will be Lance Lazer in the eyes of the law.

on the internet you don't actually have to use your real name tho, especially if you don't like it.

Lance lazer is cool though. Sounds like it could be an 80s rock star, or a porn star, or maybe a pro wrestler who's gimmick is that he's an 80s rock star that used to do porn. OR an 80s porn star that used to do rock.
:lol: You rock Lance! :headbang:

And I wanna be there when you rock up at the place to legally get it changed and say "I wanna change my name to Lance Lazer" and see the person's face hahaha!
Ill double that offer. If you change your name to Trixxi Trash, Spiff will give you $20.