I have given up on Iced Earth

*raises hand*

um, I did.

in all honesty, I had given up on Maiden by the time 'Fear of the Dark' was released. In my mind, they had gone from an epic songwriting and performing band to someone who just wanted to get by on their name alone. The songs had become weak and watered down with too many choruses for my taste.

I still respected the band for their back catalog, and would always enjoy listening again and again to such great releases as Powerslave. But their great years were behind them.

Then they poorly attempted to carry on with Blaze. Nothing against his abilities as a singer, and I never saw them perform with him, but the 'X' album had one good song on it in my humble opinion. And don't ask me to name it because I can't. it was just that memorable.

So that's when I gave up entirely on Maiden.

When Bruce returned, I tried to get into Brave New World. I bought the cd. I listened to it - not once but several times. There were a couple of good tracks on there. But it just wasn't the same band any longer. So I gave up again.

Then A Matter of Life and Death was released. I saw the 'Breeg' video, and something caught my ear. There was something underlying there... a spark of the past. So I planned to pick up the cd, but Patrick beat me to it. And sure enough, AMoLaD brought me back to fully respect the band that I grew to know through the 80's and into the 90's.

when you "give up" on a band, im pretty sure that means you dont listen to any more material by them. in your case, you just didnt like the cds they put out for a while, but eventually they picked back up, and you were right back there with em again. my definition of give up might be different than others.

i probably used maiden as a bad example to relate to this situation, since bruce actually came back to maiden, as barlow isnt coming back to iced earth anytime soon.
There is no way you can overstate this fact. This is why bands like Iced Earth cause so little turmoil outside the underground circle with their personnel changes. The new single is good, not great. The album will have better songs than this one. People that give up on them based solely on this one song were never true fans in the first place.

No, I have definitely never been a true fan of Iced Earth. I didn't go out of my way to purchase originals of every album they've released. I don't pop in albums of theirs I love from time to time to enjoy the good old days. Looks like I've never liked or supported this band. :u-huh:
no one gave up on maiden when they got blaze up in there...

You're not really serious with that statement, are you...?:erk:

you can give up on iced earth all you want, but why just give up on them when they have made all the awesome music they have made? even if they were to put out a crappy cd, which i dont think this one will end up being in the long run, it wouldnt over shadow all the other good ones they made. thats basically what is being said when people say "i give up on iced earth", your basically saying that this new materials crappyness overshadows the excellence of the old material.

You could also say that you just have no more faith in their ability to record new and exciting music in the present day, and then not purchase their CD's anymore, and then just listen to the old ones you've already bought.

That might make a bit more sense for people who don't like a new CD.
You're not really serious with that statement, are you...?:erk:

You could also say that you just have no more faith in their ability to record new and exciting music in the present day, and then not purchase their CD's anymore, and then just listen to the old ones you've already bought.

That might make a bit more sense for people who don't like a new CD.

my point with the maiden post was the fact that a very large number of people didnt like blaze at all, but are still listening to them to this day, but i later realized that it was a pretty crappy example in relation to this.

and to your second statement, thats correct, but what i was getting at was the fact that why the fuck would you give up on iced earth after one cd and an ep, when they have made a shitload of good cds already. The new stuff is NOT crappy enough to make you stop listening to them entirely and refuse to give any more new material a listen. Personally i thought TGB was frickin awesome, but thats just me, even if you someone find it awesome, how could they just give up on a band that they like a lot off of 1 cd and 4 EP songs.
No, I have definitely never been a true fan of Iced Earth. I didn't go out of my way to purchase originals of every album they've released. I don't pop in albums of theirs I love from time to time to enjoy the good old days. Looks like I've never liked or supported this band. :u-huh:
then why are you gonna just give up on them after an ep and a cd, which had a totally different theme than their previous cds.

i could see giving up on like, queensryche, or WAIT, metallica!

now metallica is a band that i could see giving up on.

they put out a few songs you dont like, so you whine and decide that they arent worth ever listening to again (their new material that is). You are saying that, in your opinion, they dont have the potential to make another great cd, which is why you would give up on them.

and if you arent saying these thigs, then why the hell would you give up on them?
Well... to make it easier for some people that just don't get it...

<sarcasm>Looks like I've never liked or supported this band.</sarcasm>

Clearer? I won't be buying their new albums or going to any shows of theirs. They could play live in my town and I wouldn't go see them. Like I've posted before, I started giving up on them with The Glorious Burden and now the new EP has just sealed the deal. I'll download the new album and then post about how much I don't like it and won't be buying it. I actually went out and bought The Glorious Burden and I wish I'd have never done it.

I have really given up on Metallica and Queensryche.
Well... to make it easier for some people that just don't get it...

<sarcasm>Looks like I've never liked or supported this band.</sarcasm>

Clearer? I won't be buying their new albums or going to any shows of theirs. They could play live in my town and I wouldn't go see them. Like I've posted before, I started giving up on them with The Glorious Burden and now the new EP has just sealed the deal. I'll download the new album and then post about how much I don't like it and won't be buying it. I actually went out and bought The Glorious Burden and I wish I'd have never done it.

I have really given up on Metallica and Queensryche.

i just think its ridiculous you give up on them over 1 cd and an EP.
Take for example this Oklahoma thing. They're expecting 50,000 people to show up. This is a concert where no band playing has released new material in 10 years, and you have to camp out to attend. 50,000! Contrast that with how many bands Glenn signed up this year have had releases in at least the past year or two.

Good point! :kickass:

I just want Ripper to leave. His style isn't brutal or thrashy enough to work with Iced Earth. I like a few songs from his Beyond Fear project, and the Gettysburg trilogy was awesome, but all in all he's not a good IE singer.

Personally, I'd like to see Hansi scrap Blind Guardian, join Iced Earth, and just call it Demons and Wizards. A lot of you may not agree with me, but that first D&W album is better than any IE or BG album. Besides, could you imagine Hansi doing songs like Dante's Inferno or Angel's Holocaust? He's got that same deep, raspy, ballsy style that Barlow brought to the table, plus they could do BG and D&W songs. It'd be wicked... too bad it will never happen...
Personally, I'd like to see Hansi scrap Blind Guardian, join Iced Earth, and just call it Demons and Wizards. A lot of you may not agree with me, but that first D&W album is better than any IE or BG album. Besides, could you imagine Hansi doing songs like Dante's Inferno or Angel's Holocaust?

Thank the good lord Hansi already sings Iced Earth on tour with Demons and Wizards, and there is absolutely no need to scrap two of the greatest metal bands of all time to make that happen.
I just want Ripper to leave. His style isn't brutal or thrashy enough to work with Iced Earth. I like a few songs from his Beyond Fear project, and the Gettysburg trilogy was awesome, but all in all he's not a good IE singer.

Personally, I'd like to see Hansi scrap Blind Guardian, join Iced Earth, and just call it Demons and Wizards. A lot of you may not agree with me, but that first D&W album is better than any IE or BG album. Besides, could you imagine Hansi doing songs like Dante's Inferno or Angel's Holocaust? He's got that same deep, raspy, ballsy style that Barlow brought to the table, plus they could do BG and D&W songs. It'd be wicked... too bad it will never happen...
Scrap BG and IE? As soon as I get done laughing...:lol: Okay, I'm back. You know, I can't even think of a proper reply because I'm just dumdfounded by this post.
Ok, I admit that scrapping BG is crazy. I wasn't thinking too clearly after hearing Overture of the Wicked... I just want a new singer...

However, I stand by the fact that if they can't get Barlow to come back, Hansi is the next best thing.
Ok, I admit that scrapping BG is crazy. I wasn't thinking too clearly after hearing Overture of the Wicked... I just want a new singer...

However, I stand by the fact that if they can't get Barlow to come back, Hansi is the next best thing.

owens is definitely not the problem in the new EP.