for collection. Discouraged ones Century Media promo
eh, what is this RTC + breeding death CD ???
I got a dishwasher delivered the other day. I would post a photo of it with my bed sheets and all but I'm listening to it at the moment. Its kinda loud but I haven't found the volume control yet. I noticed you guys all seem to go for vinyl, was thinking of trying to get a vinyl one too. I have seen photos of them on the web, there all orange and brown and 70's looking. Getting one in good condition could be hard though.
Lol wtf eve?
I want a kata hoodie too.
I've had this CD for a while, but decided to bring it along to a gig last night, and it ended up like this:
Hell yeah!!!
Oh great, will definitely be getting that one as well!They're meant to be releasing Journey to Pohjola/The Trooper later in the year too. Can't wait.
Bought this shiat today!