I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

recieved today:
Sculptor (Rus) - Depressive Doom
Haive - Mieli Maassa - Best CD in my collection (except Katatonia of course)
Doom-Art.ru compilation (simple doom)
Light? - Mirrors (not listen yet)

...and my new headphones there - AKG K272 HD (Chose them specially for metal music)
Awesome, where did you get the Swedish Death Metal compilation? I must have it as well!

I think you have to buy the german rerelease of the book to get it..
stupid things.. punish the early adopters by giving awesome stuff to the ones who waited..

received this today :D :D :D

(to lazy to take own pic..)

and i was right.. it will be the best album this year.
There is a limited edition also with the cd's and book. Maybe that's the one? Awesome release however, there's a lot of songs i've never heard before :D