I even thought when i was first acquainted with opeth i thought it was Speth- I thought it was an S in a circle
Got my new Ibanez Presitge 8-string- electric with EMG 808 Active Humbuckers
it's abolutely gorgeous in my opinion
Here's a shot of the back of the neck. Your hand glides across the finish like butter
Gogo play some Meshuggah songs!![]()
animals as leaders
Is AaL his only project? I've seen some vids and I must say he's the only heavy guitarist to make proper use of an 8 string. The tonal spectrum of some of those voicing's of his is really something. It'd be nice if he joined a band with a vocalist and focused on what's good for the song instead of shred wanking to impress fourteen year olds (no offense).
Is AaL his only project? I've seen some vids and I must say he's the only heavy guitarist to make proper use of an 8 string.
IMO They put their guitars to their 'proper' use.
That's something you can only say once you have seen every heavy 8 string guitarist... ever. Which would likely be never
Portal - They play 8 strings (though, in the following video one of the guitarist's has his old 7 string). IMO They put their guitars to their 'proper' use.
@Brave: No need to sell me on the dude. He's awesome, but I do think his talents could be put to better use.
Seen em, but seriously, I just downed on wanking and you post mega wankers?![]()
I watched that very video the other day, and was my first introduction to the band. The video literally disturbed me to the point of physical discomfort. The guitar playing was impossible for me to decipher (although I only listened to it once) and i'm usually always able to decipher guitar work, not to brag, it's just my inheritance, my father is a professional musician.
But yeah, those guys are crazy. I kinda wanna watch that video again, but I'm quite literally "scared" to.
Just out of curiosity, how would you say shred talent is put to good use? I think this is an age old question in the virtuoso guitar music world. How to use shredding to make GOOD music.
Seen em, but seriously, I just downed on wanking and you post mega wankers?![]()
It appears out opinions on 'mega wankers' differs greatly. While Portal plays fast it is FAR from guitar wankery, which I associate with the likes of this and other things resembling that. When I saw Portal live my mind was blown, not due to how 'fast' they played or how much of a showoff they apparently are*, but because of the sheer horror and insanity of their sound and how they presented themselves on stage.
*Portal are the least showoff band I know, not trying to sell their music to everyone, but rather let people find it on their own, unlike other bands/guitarists who LOVE to get their name everywhere they can so they can be known by everyone.
But, opinions will be opinions. That is just mine![]()