I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

Steven Wilson's Girlfriend lives here...and the pop star you're talking about is Aviv Geffen who was Rock and not pop as long as I could remember myself.
That something you're talking about is Blackfield, which I already mentioned earlier...they enjoy great success in all of europe.
well It's not about the size of the country but the population that matters. we have approx. 7 million citizens and residents...which is only 2 million people less than sweden.
Well I didn't think I needed to mention the exact name blackfield since most of us here should know who I was talking about but thanks anyhow...:Smug:
and pop is an abbreviation for popular.

7 million is a little more then population of the state I live in and there are 50 states in the us. Mainstream is a pretty big picture and I think you fail to see the picture. That would be like me considering PT mainstream just because a lot of people in arizona know of them but the rest of the us doesn't.

anyhow mew point being half a million sales for the PT however impressive that may be, is about the sales in the first week alone of release for some mainstream bands.

what we are arguing about is no biggy but based on facts I don't consider PT mainstream at all.
well I base myself on different facts...if you consider stuff like SOAD,Slipknot,Papa Roach, Korn, Limp Bizkit and all of their copycats plus our beloved emo bands mainstream then I would deffinetly agree with you that PT isn't mainstream.
I don't think mainstream is defined the same everywhere...most of the stuff are the same everywhere but some artists or bands that are considered mainstream in one country, are underground in another...
mainstream is not just record sales...it's also the style of the music.
Perhaps we're both right from our own points of view...and yeah...it's no biggy
Just got the diSEMBOWELMENT lp boxset yesterday...very nice, Aussie doom pioneers! Anyone else here into them? Quite difficult to track down as well...
Also managed to get my hands on Viva Emptiness, Emperors IX Equilibrium on vinyl. Oh and Suffocations new one on coloured vinyl! AAAAAnd due in the mail this week are MDBs Songs of Darkness, Words of Light, TGCD and Saw You Drown (Blue Vinyl). Oh and Diabolical Masquerades Ravendusk! :D
I would love to get the Novembre cds as well. Its so freaking hard to track down this stuff in Australia! Grrr...
sham mirrors is the only good Arcturus album, the others (the ones i have heard) ranges from bad to terrible.
weirdly enough, sham mirrors is also one of the best progressive metal albums ever.
sham mirrors is the only good Arcturus album, the others (the ones i have heard) ranges from bad to terrible.
weirdly enough, sham mirrors is also one of the best progressive metal albums ever.

for shame you should say such a thing.....aspera hiems symphonia was fucking awesome for its time.....La masquerade infernale was also quite different and progressive.....Arcturus is a super band as far as members go as well which I find to be cool....
Havent heard any of the latest Arcturus album, but the other three are class.

You should try and get the Aspera Heims double cd. It has Constellation and My Angel Eps on it.

the track "The Deep Is The Skies" is a great tune.
Havent heard any of the latest Arcturus album, but the other three are class.

You should try and get the Aspera Heims double cd. It has Constellation and My Angel Eps on it.

the track "The Deep Is The Skies" is a great tune.

You said exactly what I would have said, except the last comment, since I can't remember which one that song is :)

Aspera Hiems Symfonia is by far the best Arcturus album. The double CD is remastered and sounds much better than the original, so that would be my first choice. You also get those hard-to-find EPs, which is a nice bonus.

The Sham Mirrors is also good, but it is mixed badly. If I remember correctly the sound is very thin, but it works great if your system has overblown and boomy bass department.

La Masquerade Infernale is very different than the other albums and not very easy to get into. It is definitely worth listening, but not an album for everyone.

The Quiet Offspring is a good choice from Green Carnation, I'd probably get that one if I had to buy just one.
for shame you should say such a thing.....aspera hiems symphonia was fucking awesome for its time.....La masquerade infernale was also quite different and progressive.....Arcturus is a super band as far as members go as well which I find to be cool....

I think the reason for my great disliking of the rest of the albums is the lack of cleanness.. I simply think it is too muck black-metalish, in a "i really try my best to play progressive black metal" kind of way.
sham mirrors on the other hand is cleaner, with real vocals instead of screaming..

I gave the latest album (cant even remember the name) one listen and concluded that the new singer guy cant sing.
Aspera is awesome, Garm's screams fucking rule! It's an awesome album, just like Sham Mirrors indeed.
La Masquerade Infernale is very different than the other albums and not very easy to get into. It is definitely worth listening, but not an album for everyone.
Agreed, never been able to really get into that album, though there's some good songs and some really cool guest vocals of Simen Haestnes (a.k.a. Vortex).
The Quiet Offspring is a good choice from Green Carnation, I'd probably get that one if I had to buy just one.
It's good, but definitely not better than A Blessing In Disguise, which is their best i.m.o. Now probably someone will come in and scream, no no no, Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness!! OMG OMG!! But I'll just have to disagree..
With Green Carnation, i´d go for the same approach as with katatonia albums.

Buy them all, you wont regret it.

(but start with "A blessing in disguise" and The quiet offspring" :p)
then it's agreed :p
Glad you agree with yourself.

With Green Carnation, i´d go for the same approach as with katatonia albums.

Buy them all, you wont regret it.

(but start with "A blessing in disguise" and The quiet offspring" :p)
That's true, though I hardly know the first album, I have it, but never got into it so far..

BTW, I got their new "A Night Under The Dam" DVD today :).
omg my account still works!! and i wasn't hit by a bus, nor was i arrested.....

hey I just bought this baby, I don't even want to open it:


that tag there stands for ninety pesos, around 8.5 usd. cool deal huh???