I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

Not in the mail. Nope. I drove nearly 2 hours to get this today:


*dies from happiness*
really nice collections... i'm still searchin for the Primordial split, the sud-cd and of course the demo tape(s) :( we'll see what the future brings

here's my collection, sry for the bad quality but taking handy-pics with a hangover is not that easy but i'm sure all you crazy freaks in here know the covers even when they are blurred hehe


Hmm now that I get some money tomorrow (hopefully) I could maybe buy some records, maybe that satyricon would be a great one, or the opeth dvd. any comments?
^ Any good? I didn't like that My Skin is Cold song too much. Hell...I haven't liked them since they released Nemesis Divina...I'm so trve.:kickass::erk:
Well, I belong to the group that did like "Now, Diabolical" and the new album is for the most part a continuation of that style. I need to listen to it a bit more, but I liked what I heard so far.

@ Kitiini, the Opeth DVD sure is worth your money, I saw it in a shop here for just 15 euros. An additional reason to buy it might be that you can see our co-forum member Camille being interviewed briefly during the ending credits :)