I know. I won it for the $20 it was going for. Score.
just got a few things
anathema - the silent enigma
Comus - first utturance white shirt
Fuck the facts - tan shirt (got it for 10$ at a show as they came through)
katatonia - jhva elohim meth, got it in september, just never posted, it would be heresy not to mention it here
Nightingale - Nightfall overture shirt
fuck the facts -stigmata high 5 - 1 of 300 white copies, wish id gotten it signed
minor threat - first 2 7"s
nightingale - nightfall overture, original and sealed for about 20$ (it is still sealed)
Where did you get the Silent Enigma shirt at?
where did you get that Comus shirt?
yeah that is greatHypocrisy's Catch 22 V2.0.08 - The new sound is totally crazy!!
Don't think it's ever gonna get re-released as such, since the material's out there in several shapes and forms already.I'm waiting for the day they re-release 'Saw You Drown' special box/tin/double disk/dvd/scratch n sniff version for $15. Surely it's coming. I know some people have paid outrageous prices for this over the years- I sadly, don't have it.