The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003
Wow. I mean, I write good songs... usually a litle dingle that grabs my attention and I build from there, but today I had a fucking EPIPHANY when it came to a song.

Having a hugely rough time with life at the moment, but I'm trying to be as strong as a fucking ox... and writing this song has actually helped me so fucking much. It's so damn rare to just start singing - and suddenly the melody you have been waiting your whole life to write comes out. And not only that - but the lyrixx you are singing, that you made up ON THE SPOT are the perfect lyrixx and the whole song ends up with lyrixx that are perfect!

Everything comes together at the EXACT SAME TIME and it gets you so FUCKING PUMPED UP. Just a fun energetic song... and I only have the basic outline of it so far. I just picked up the guitar and played along to what I was singing, and that is all that is written... but I assure you, I am going to spread the fucking WORD about this song when I finish it. (weird place to put emphasis, I know...)

Dammit! Stuck at work and I cannot WAIT to just keep writing this song. It really is the best song I have written. It could quite well be the best song I ever write.

Really surging at the moment! YWEAHAH!


Originally posted on my myspace at http://www.myspace.com/lancelazer - but I figure no one ever reads that, so Ima post it on forams to just GLOAT about it!
yeah, I'll also upload samples of new songs when I get the net back at home!!

I'm dancin' at worK! I'm dancin' at worK!
Haha. I've seen that happen before! A band I was working with started jamming on a riff while I was outside having a smoke and I thought to myself "Why are they doing a Fear Factory cover?" When I went back in, they went "Man, we just wrote this fucking awesome riff" and I said "Yes, it's the one from 'Replica'". :) They weren't happy.
ceydn said:
Having a hugely rough time with life at the moment

Yeah I heard you and Beth broke up.

Good, I am glad.

She's a dirty whore.

She's done the same thing to Nathan and Matt before him, even more I bet.

Just get over the filthy skank.

She may be my cousin, but she's still a fucking retard.

Hopefully we can be friends again soon, now that the behemoth is gone.
Cyclonus said:
Yeah I heard you and Beth broke up.

Good, I am glad.

She's a dirty whore.

She's done the same thing to Nathan and Matt before him, even more I bet.

Just get over the filthy skank.

She may be my cousin, but she's still a fucking retard.

Hopefully we can be friends again soon, now that the behemoth is gone.

You disgust me beyond words.

I'm still in love with Beth, I'm lucky she lasted as long as she did with me. I fucked up and I'm paying for it. I have no bad things to say about Beth, she is an angel.

Go fuck yourself, scumbag.

EDIT: I will say this, Beth doesn't love you, she uses people to get what she wants and then moves on to the next. A lot of people in Mildura hate her, a lot of people here hate her, and plenty believe you are embarrassing yourself by the way you are acting now. Just get over it man, she isn't worth it at all.
Cyclonus, whatever shit is going on away from the boards, there is no need for you to publicise the problems, I am sure if Cedyn wanted any of his probs thrown out in public he would of done it here himself, he sure as fuck didn't doesn't need some other fucking idiot doing it for him.

How do you expect him to be your mate again going round slinging shit like that?
I've taken it to private, because I don't need some wanker spoiling my thread.

Anyway, I recorded the basic outline of the song on guitar and a bit of keyboards last night and it is soundin' mighty fine! :kickass:
Cyclonus said:
Yeah I heard you and Beth broke up.

Good, I am glad.

She's a dirty whore.

She's done the same thing to Nathan and Matt before him, even more I bet.

Just get over the filthy skank.

She may be my cousin, but she's still a fucking retard.

Hopefully we can be friends again soon, now that the behemoth is gone.

You say this girl is your cousin? You disgust me.
I am sure that your uppance will come for spouting such nonsense, and you will look back on your life with discontent knowing full well, that any problem you have with her must be a creation of your own insecurity.